Spring Water Lyrics Twila Paris

Spring Water by Twila Paris

If you find that you're living
In a desert
Never fear
Even though the earth is hard and dry
If you'll share what you've been given
New life will appear
Soon you'll see a river rushin' by

Spring water
Coming up from deep inside
Spring water
Holy Spirit purified
He knows how to distill it
All you gotta do is let Him spill it all around
Spring water
You just can't keep it in the ground

Pour your life out
Go ahead and give it all away
You'll get back a lot more than you gave
What will be tommorrow's promise
Water every day
You can only lose the love you've saved

Spring water
Coming up from deep inside
Spring water
Holy Spirit purified
He knows how to distill it
All you gotta do is let Him spill it all around
Spring water
You just can't keep it in the ground

Spring water
Coming up from deep inside
Spring water
Holy Spirit purified
He knows how to distill it
All you gotta do is let Him spill it all around
Spring water
You just can't keep it in the ground

Spring water
You just can't keep it in the ground

Spring Water Video

Spring Water Info

"Spring Water" is a beautiful song by Twila Paris that speaks to the refreshing and life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. The lyrics paint a picture of a desert, a dry and barren land, representing the spiritual drought that many of us may experience at times in our lives. But despite the challenging circumstances, the song encourages us to have hope and faith, knowing that there is a source of living water that can quench our thirst and bring new life.

The song begins by acknowledging the reality of living in a desert, a place where the earth is hard and dry. This can be seen as a metaphor for the times when we feel spiritually dry and empty, when our hearts and souls are longing for something more. But the song reminds us not to fear, because even in the midst of the desert, there is hope.

The chorus of the song declares the promise of the Holy Spirit, described as "spring water" that comes up from deep inside. This imagery is reminiscent of the words of Jesus in John 4:14, where He says, "But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." The Holy Spirit is like a wellspring of life within us, constantly replenishing and rejuvenating our souls.

The song reminds us that we can experience this refreshing and life-giving power of the Holy Spirit when we choose to share what we have been given. It calls us to pour out our lives and give generously, knowing that in doing so, we will receive even more in return. This resonates with the biblical principle found in Luke 6:38, which says, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

The lyrics also convey the idea that when we give of ourselves, we are not losing anything, but rather gaining more love and life. This aligns with the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 16:25, where He says, "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." When we surrender our lives to God and allow the Holy Spirit to flow through us, we experience a greater abundance of love, joy, and peace.

The song concludes with the reminder that the spring water of the Holy Spirit cannot be contained. It is meant to overflow and touch the lives of those around us. As we allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us, we become conduits of His love and grace to a world in need. This idea echoes the words of Jesus in John 7:38, where He says, "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."

"Spring Water" is a powerful and uplifting song that reminds us of the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. It encourages us to pour out our lives and share the love and grace we have received, knowing that in doing so, we will experience a greater abundance of the Spirit's presence in our lives. May we be filled with the spring water of the Holy Spirit and allow it to overflow into the lives of those around us.
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