Put The Attention On Jesus Lyrics Todd Dulaney

Put The Attention On Jesus by Todd Dulaney

It's amazing how we've gone after the show. How we hardly say His name anymore
I think it's strange how we love to jump and shout but never wanna tell the world what it's about
I'm amazed that the One who gave His life

Is not the feature of every single night
I think it's sad how the man who paid the price is being drowned out by all the fluff and lights

Let's put the attention back where it belongs, back upon the Son, He is the one who died for us
Let's put the attention back upon the cross, back upon the Lord, He is the King He's why we sing

Put the attention on Jesus
Cause that's where it belongs
Put the attention on Jesus!
Yeah yeah

If I be lifted up from all the earth I'll draw all man unto me
If I be lifted up from all the earth I'll draw man!

Put the attention on Jesus
Forever we lift you up
Put the attention on Jesus!
Yeah yeah

(What's His name) Jesus Jesus Jesus

Put The Attention On Jesus Video

Put The Attention On Jesus Info

"Put The Attention On Jesus" by Todd Dulaney is a powerful song that calls us to refocus our attention on Jesus. In a world filled with distractions and noise, this song reminds us of the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on the author and finisher of our faith.

The song starts by acknowledging how easy it is for us to get caught up in the show and forget about Jesus. We can often be more concerned with the lights, the music, and the spectacle rather than the reason we gather together in the first place. It's a convicting reminder that we need to shift our focus back to Jesus, the one who gave His life for us.

One scripture verse that comes to mind when listening to this song is Hebrews 12:2 which says, "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." This verse encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, just as the song suggests. It reminds us that Jesus is the one who paved the way for us through His sacrifice on the cross, and we should never lose sight of that.

The song continues with the plea to put the attention back on the cross and on the Lord. It highlights the fact that Jesus is the reason we sing and worship. It's not about us or the entertainment value, but it's about lifting up the name of Jesus and proclaiming His greatness to the world.

Another scripture verse that relates to the theme of this song is John 12:32 which says, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." This verse reminds us that when we lift up Jesus, when we put the attention on Him, He will draw people to Himself. It's a powerful reminder that our worship and focus on Jesus has the potential to impact the lives of others and lead them to Him.

The song concludes with a simple yet profound declaration of putting the attention on Jesus. It calls us to forever lift Him up and make Him the center of our lives. This is not just a one-time decision but a daily commitment to keep our attention on Jesus and make Him the priority in everything we do.

"Put The Attention On Jesus" is a powerful anthem that challenges us to refocus our attention on Jesus. It reminds us of the importance of keeping Him at the center of our lives and worship. It's a call to put aside the distractions and noise of the world and fix our eyes on the One who gave His life for us. As we do so, we can experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing and worshipping Jesus. So let us heed the call of this song and put the attention back where it belongs - on Jesus.
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