Hallelujah (Friend And King) Lyrics Tim Hughes

Hallelujah (Friend And King) by Tim Hughes

Though my feet may fall
And the way seems unsure
When my best falls short
Still I'll sing You are Lord

Halle, halle, hallelujah

When all the waters have run dry
You alone still satisfy
I won't be thirsty in Your courts
So I will sing You are Lord

Halle, halle, hallelujah
Halle, halle, hallelujah

Through it all You remain
When all else fails You're the same
Faithful God, Friend and King
I will sing, always sing
Through it all You remain
When all else fails You're the same
Faithful God, Friend and King
I will sing, always sing

Halle, halle, hallelujah

When the darkness closes in
And I've nothing left to bring
Questions waiting at the door
Still I'll sing for You are Lord

Halle, halle, hallelujah
Halle, halle, hallelujah
Halle, halle, hallelujah
Halle, halle, hallelujah

Hallelujah (Friend And King) Video

Hallelujah (Friend And King) Info

"Hallelujah (Friend And King)" by Tim Hughes is a powerful worship song that captures the essence of praising God in every circumstance. This song is a declaration of faith, acknowledging that even when we face uncertainties and failures, God remains constant as our friend and king.

The lyrics of the song beautifully express the unwavering trust in God's faithfulness. It begins by acknowledging that there may be times when we stumble and the path ahead seems unsure. We may feel inadequate and fall short of our expectations, but in those moments, we choose to sing hallelujah because we know that God is still Lord over our lives.

The repetition of the word "hallelujah" throughout the song signifies a deep reverence and praise for God. It is a declaration of surrender and acknowledgment that God alone can satisfy our deepest needs. The song reminds us that even when all the waters have run dry, God remains the source of our satisfaction and fulfillment.

One of the key scriptures that relate to the theme of this song is Psalm 63:1, which says, "O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water." This verse beautifully captures the longing and desperation for God's presence, even in the midst of challenging times. It is a reminder that our souls find true satisfaction in God alone.

The song continues with the proclamation that no matter what we face, God remains the same. When everything else fails, God is faithful. This echoes the truth found in Hebrews 13:8, which says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." It is a comforting reminder that God's character and faithfulness are unwavering, providing us with a solid foundation to place our trust.

The bridge of the song emphasizes the unchanging nature of God and his role as both a friend and king. It speaks to the intimate relationship we can have with God, where we can approach him as a friend and confidant. At the same time, it acknowledges his sovereignty and kingship over our lives.

The song concludes with a declaration that no matter the circumstances, we will always sing praises to God. It captures the essence of a life lived in constant worship, regardless of the ups and downs that may come our way. It is a reminder that our worship should not be dependent on our circumstances but on the unchanging nature of God.

Overall, "Hallelujah (Friend And King)" by Tim Hughes is a powerful worship song that encourages believers to trust in the faithfulness of God. It reminds us of his unchanging nature, his role as both a friend and king, and the unending praise that should flow from our hearts. This song serves as a beautiful reminder to continually seek God's presence and to worship him in every season of life.
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