Maker Lyrics Third Day

Maker by Third Day

We built our idols just to see them fall
And our false gods brought us nothing at all
How foolish we have been
Forgive us for our sins

Maker, there is none like You
Savior, no one else will do
Lord, there is no other God
Lord, there is no other God
Maker, there is none like You

And on our own, we have nothing but shame
But by Your grace, we all can stand again, yeah
How foolish we have been
Forgive us for our sins

Gather together
All around the world
Join with the angels
Lift up your voice
He is our Maker
He is our God and our Lord

Our Maker, there is none like You

Maker Video

Maker Info

"Maker" by Third Day is a powerful and heartfelt worship song that calls us to recognize God as our Creator and the only true source of salvation. The lyrics invite us to reflect on our own shortcomings and the futility of placing our trust in anything other than God.

The song begins with the acknowledgment that we often build idols and put our faith in false gods, only to be left empty-handed. This theme resonates with a number of scriptures that warn against idolatry and the worship of anything other than God. In Isaiah 44:9-10, it says, "All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless... Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit nothing?" This passage emphasizes the foolishness of relying on anything other than the one true God.

As the song progresses, the lyrics humbly ask for forgiveness for our sins and the way we have strayed from God's path. This plea for forgiveness aligns with the biblical concept of repentance. In Psalm 51:17, it says, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." This verse reminds us that true repentance involves acknowledging our mistakes and turning back to God with humility.

The chorus of "Maker" beautifully declares that there is none like God, emphasizing His uniqueness and power. This echoes numerous scriptures that exalt God as the one and only true God. In Isaiah 45:5-6, it says, "I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God... There is none besides me." This verse reinforces the central message of the song, reminding us that God alone is worthy of our worship and trust.

The bridge of the song invites believers from all around the world to join together in praising God, emphasizing the unity of the body of Christ. This theme of unity is found throughout the Bible, including in Romans 12:5, which says, "so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."

Overall, "Maker" by Third Day is a powerful anthem of worship and repentance that encourages us to recognize God as our Creator and the only true source of salvation. The song's lyrics align with various scriptures that warn against idolatry, call for repentance, exalt God's uniqueness, and emphasize the unity of believers.

In conclusion, "Maker" by Third Day reminds us of our need to turn to God as our Creator and Savior. It highlights the futility of placing our trust in anything other than Him and calls us to repentance. By drawing on biblical themes and scriptures, the song invites us to reflect on our own shortcomings and recognize the power and uniqueness of our God.
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