Blackbird Lyrics Third Day

Blackbird by Third Day

Blackbird, why you wearing that frown?
Don't you know Jesus loves you and me
and the preacher on T.V. you're putting down
Blackbird, how I love to hear your songs
I could spend all of my time in the shade
of the trees and listen all day long

But you're ever hearing, never understanding
Ever seeing, not perceiving and your heart
has grown callous
You're in a storm and lost you way
Won't you fly to heaven and be saved today

Blackbird, now you're broken your wing
You try to fly high but you know that you
can't go anywhere, you can't do anything
Blackbird, who put you in your cage
Tell me, was it God or was it you
Was it me? I guess it don't matter anyway

[Repeat chorus]

You say you need a remedy
for the thorn in your pride
I think it's such a tragedy
That you have left Him behind
You say you'd light you candle
But your love light doesn't shine
You say you talk to angels
Well I say it's such a lie

[Repeat chorus]

Blackbird Video

Blackbird Info

"Blackbird" by Third Day is a powerful song that resonates with listeners on multiple levels. The lyrics tell a story of a blackbird who is struggling and lost, seeking meaning and purpose. It is a song that speaks to the human condition and our need for redemption and salvation.

The song opens with the question, "Blackbird, why you wearing that frown?" This immediately sets the tone for the rest of the song, as it addresses the blackbird's outward appearance of sadness. But then the lyrics take a surprising turn, as they remind the blackbird of the love of Jesus. It is a reminder that no matter how lost or broken we may feel, Jesus loves us and is always there for us.

One verse that comes to mind when listening to this song is Matthew 13:13, which says, "This is why I speak to them in parables: 'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.'" This verse speaks to the blackbird's struggle in the song, as it seems to be ever hearing but never understanding. It is a reminder of the spiritual blindness that can consume us if we are not open to the truth of God's love and grace.

The chorus of the song further emphasizes the blackbird's struggle, as it states, "You're in a storm and lost your way, won't you fly to heaven and be saved today?" This imagery of being lost in a storm is a powerful metaphor for the trials and challenges we face in life. It is a call to seek salvation and find refuge in God.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Matthew 13:15, which says, "For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them." This verse speaks to the blackbird's calloused heart and closed eyes, as it seems to have turned away from God. It serves as a reminder of the importance of staying open and receptive to God's love and healing.

The bridge of the song takes a more confrontational approach, as it challenges the blackbird's excuses and falsehoods. It questions the blackbird's claims of talking to angels and lighting candles, calling them lies. This part of the song serves as a reminder that true salvation and redemption can only come from an authentic relationship with God, not from empty rituals or false beliefs.

In conclusion, "Blackbird" by Third Day is a deeply meaningful song that explores the themes of lostness, redemption, and the need for a genuine relationship with God. It challenges listeners to examine their own hearts and encourages them to seek salvation and find refuge in God. Through its powerful lyrics and relatable imagery, this song serves as a reminder of the eternal love and grace that is available to all who seek it.
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