Tell Me The Truth Lyrics Steffany Gretzinger

Tell Me The Truth by Steffany Gretzinger

We're past polite
Been on both sides
Done a lot of life

We're in the deep
Here talk is cheap
We chose family

Tell me the truth
Even if it hurts me, even if it's ugly
My heart is open
Tell me the truth
Without the self-protection
Love can mend what's broken
In me and you

If we'll be honest
Expose our weakness
We'll find we're strongest

So tell me the truth
Even if it hurts me, even if it's ugly
My heart is open
Tell me the truth
Without the self-protection
Love can mend what's broken
In me and you
Tell me the truth
Even if it hurts me, even if it's ugly
My heart is open
Tell me the truth
Without the self-protection
Love can mend what's broken
In me and you

Brick by brick we'll take the walls down
Even if it takes a lifetime
Brick by brick we'll take the walls down
Even if it takes a lifetime
Brick by brick we'll take the walls down
Even if it takes a lifetime
Brick by brick we'll take the walls down
Even if it takes a lifetime
So tell me the truth, tell me the truth
Even if it takes a lifetime
Tell me the truth, tell me the truth
Even if it takes a lifetime

Tell Me The Truth Video

Tell Me The Truth Info

"Tell Me The Truth" is a powerful and heartfelt song by Steffany Gretzinger from her album "Blackout." This song carries a deep message of vulnerability, honesty, and the transformative power of love. It encourages us to seek and speak the truth, even if it may be painful or uncomfortable.

The lyrics of the song resonate with the idea that true growth and healing can only happen when we lay down our defenses and allow ourselves to be open and transparent. It reminds us that being honest with ourselves and others is essential for building genuine connections and fostering true intimacy.

One of the key themes in the song is the importance of honesty and vulnerability in relationships. Steffany Gretzinger invites her listeners to be truthful with her, even if the truth hurts or is unpleasant. This vulnerability creates a safe space for healing and growth to occur. It is a call to break down the walls that we often build around ourselves, brick by brick, and allow love to mend what is broken.

This theme of vulnerability and honesty is deeply rooted in scripture. The Bible teaches us the importance of speaking the truth in love. In Ephesians 4:15, it says, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ." This verse reminds us that the truth spoken in love has the power to bring about growth and maturity.

Another scriptural connection to the theme of the song can be found in James 5:16, which says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." This verse emphasizes the power of confession and vulnerability in our relationships. When we are willing to share our struggles and shortcomings with one another, we open the door for healing and restoration.

The inspiration behind "Tell Me The Truth" can also be seen in Steffany Gretzinger's own journey. She has spoken openly about her own struggles with fear and insecurity and how these experiences have shaped her music. Through her vulnerability, she invites her listeners into a place of honesty and authenticity.

The song itself is a beautiful blend of haunting melodies and heartfelt lyrics. Steffany Gretzinger's unique and soulful voice adds depth and emotion to the message of the song. The music builds with intensity as the song progresses, mirroring the internal journey of breaking down walls and seeking the truth.

"Tell Me The Truth" is more than just a song; it is a call to action. It challenges us to examine our own lives and relationships and to be willing to ask the hard questions. It encourages us to confront the lies we may have believed and to embrace the transformative power of truth and love.

In conclusion, "Tell Me The Truth" by Steffany Gretzinger is a powerful and introspective song that speaks to the importance of vulnerability and honesty in our relationships. It encourages us to break down the walls we have built around ourselves and embrace the transformative power of truth and love. With its soul-stirring melodies and heartfelt lyrics, this song serves as a reminder to seek and speak the truth, even if it may be uncomfortable. It is an invitation to experience healing and growth through the power of vulnerability.
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