Be Still Lyrics Selah

Be Still by Selah

It's so loud
I just can't seem to slow this down
I need you more than ever now
Let the silence be the only sound

Your glory
Becomes the only thing I see
Your beauty brings me to my knees
The awe that you inspire in me

Makes me want to be still
So still you can hear me breathing in
So still you can hear me breathing out
Let Your calm descend upon me now

So now I stand before You broken down
My feet upon this holy ground
I can feel Your presence all around


I hear You whisper softly
I hear You speaking to me
I hear You
In the silence You call my name

I want to be still
So still you can hear me breathing in
So still you can hear me breathing out
Let Your calm descend upon me now

I want to be still [x3]
Be still

Be Still Video

Be Still Info

"Be Still" by Selah is a beautiful and powerful song that speaks to the soul and reminds us of the importance of finding stillness in the midst of life's chaos. The lyrics paint a picture of a world that is loud and overwhelming, where we can't seem to slow down or find peace. But in the midst of it all, the song encourages us to seek God and allow His presence to calm our hearts and minds.

The song begins by acknowledging the noise and busyness of life, expressing a desperate need for God's presence. It recognizes that sometimes we get so caught up in the noise around us that we forget to take a moment to be still and listen to God's voice. This is a relatable sentiment for many of us who live in a fast-paced and hectic world, constantly bombarded by distractions and responsibilities.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the desire to be still, not just physically but also in our hearts and minds. It speaks of the importance of finding a quiet place where we can breathe in God's presence and breathe out all the worries and burdens that weigh us down. This imagery of breathing in and out represents a deep connection with God, as if His calm and peace are flowing through us.

The song also touches on the power of God's glory and beauty. It suggests that when we take the time to be still and truly see God, our perspective shifts. His awe-inspiring presence brings us to our knees, reminding us of His greatness and the need to surrender ourselves to Him. This idea is reminiscent of verses such as Psalm 46:10, which says, "Be still, and know that I am God."

Throughout the song, there is a sense of longing and desperation for God's presence. It speaks of brokenness and the need for restoration. It acknowledges that standing before God in humility and reverence is a holy ground, where we can feel His presence all around us. This echoes verses like Isaiah 57:15, which says, "For this is what the high and exalted One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: 'I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.'"

In conclusion, "Be Still" by Selah is a beautiful song that reminds us of the importance of finding stillness in the midst of life's chaos. It encourages us to seek God and allow His presence to calm our hearts and minds. The lyrics speak to the longing and desperation we often feel for God's peace and restoration. It reminds us to be still, to breathe in His presence, and to surrender ourselves to Him. This song is a powerful reminder of the need to find quiet moments in our lives to connect with God and experience His peace.
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