Love With Justice Lyrics Rita Springer

Love With Justice by Rita Springer

When I look at you I catch my breath
I lose my mind for a moment
When I look at you I can't believe
How can it be?

You're so perfect
And God, He kissed me with promise
God kissed me with a hope for a future
Your beauty, it looks like righteousness
And I'm in love with Justice
I'm in love with Justice

When I think of you, I fall to my knees
I lift my voice and I worship
Searched, known by God
Knit with mysterious love
Gave you the color of your own nation

God kissed me with promise
God, You kissed me with a hope for a future
And your beauty, it looks like righteousness
And I'm in love with Justice
I'm in love with you, Justice

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Love With Justice Info

"Love With Justice" is a powerful and inspiring song by Christian artist Rita Springer. This song carries a profound message of love, hope, and justice, all wrapped up in a beautiful melody. It is a song that speaks to the heart and soul, reminding us of God's love for us and His desire for justice in our world.

The lyrics of "Love With Justice" convey a deep sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of God's creation. When Rita Springer sings, "When I look at you I catch my breath, I lose my mind for a moment," it reflects the overwhelming sense of amazement and gratitude that comes from recognizing the hand of God in our lives. The song goes on to describe how God has kissed us with promise and hope for the future. It speaks to the unique beauty and purpose that each person possesses, regardless of their background or ethnicity. This is echoed in the line, "Gave you the color of your own nation," emphasizing the diversity and unity of God's creation.

The theme of justice is central to this song. Rita Springer sings, "I'm in love with Justice," expressing her deep passion for justice and righteousness. This theme is rooted in Scripture, where we see God's heart for justice throughout the Bible. In Isaiah 61:8, it says, "For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing. In my faithfulness, I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them." This verse reminds us that God is not only a God of love and mercy but also a God of justice. He desires to see righteousness prevail and injustice eradicated.

The song "Love With Justice" serves as a reminder of our role as believers in pursuing justice in our world. It calls us to love with justice, to embody the values of righteousness and fairness in our relationships and interactions. As followers of Christ, we are called to advocate for the vulnerable, stand against oppression, and seek justice for all.

The lyrics of this song also highlight the beauty and power of God's love. It speaks of how God has kissed us with promise and hope, demonstrating His deep love for us. This echoes the message of Scripture, where we are reminded of God's unfailing love and His desire to reconcile us to Himself. In Romans 5:8, it says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This verse reminds us that God's love is not dependent on our performance or worthiness but is freely given to us.

Overall, "Love With Justice" is a song that inspires and challenges us to love with justice, to recognize the beauty and purpose in each person, and to seek righteousness in our world. It reminds us of God's deep love for us and His desire for justice to prevail. This song serves as a powerful reminder of our role as believers in pursuing justice and embodying the heart of God in our relationships and interactions.
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