With The Wonder Lyrics Rich Mullins

With The Wonder by Rich Mullins

Down at Johnson's Creek
The trees grow tall
Like a man who feeds his soul on Your word
And I can look in the water
I can see the stars fall
Hear the fires crackle
And the crickets chirp
And there are bluffs
On the banks of the cumberland
Where I can see the sun rise
From a world away
And I can see the marvelous things
That You have done
In the beautiful world
That You have made

And in the winter it's white
In the summer it's green
And in the fall it's orange and red and gold
Then it comes alive
In the rites of spring when the rivers thaw
And the flowers unfold
And there are beads of dew on a spider's web
And there are motes of dust
In these beams of light
We who are bone and spittle and muscle and sweat
We live together in a world where
It's good to be alive

'Cause it flutters and floats
It falls and it climbs
It spins and sputters and spurts
And You filled this world
With wonders 'round every turn
And it buzzes and beeps
It shimmeys and shines
It rattles and patters and purrs
And You filled this world with wonders
And I'm filled with the wonder of Your world

If there's a better world
And a brighter day
Even brighter than the one we're in
We'd all be fools to think
That it could be made
By the wills and the hands of foolish men

So Lord to You we give our deepest praise
And to You we sing our loudest songs
And while we live in the world that You have made
We hear it whisper of a world
Of the world that is to come

'Cause it flutters and floats
It falls and it climbs
It spins and sputters and spurts
And You filled this world
With wonders 'round every turn
And it buzzes and beeps
It shimmeys and shines
It rattles and patters and purrs
And You filled this world with wonders
And I'm filled with the wonder of Your world

With The Wonder Video

With The Wonder Info

"With The Wonder" by Rich Mullins is a song that beautifully captures the awe and wonder of God's creation. It invites us to see the world through the lens of gratitude and appreciation for the marvelous things that God has made.

The song begins with a picturesque scene at Johnson's Creek, where the trees grow tall and a man feeds his soul on God's word. It sets the stage for a reflection on the beauty and majesty of nature. Mullins describes looking into the water and seeing the stars fall, hearing the crackling fires and chirping crickets. It's a serene and peaceful image that evokes a sense of wonder at the intricacies of the natural world.

As the song progresses, Mullins paints a vivid picture of the changing seasons and the vibrant colors they bring. Winter is white, summer is green, and fall is a captivating mix of orange, red, and gold. He marvels at how the world comes alive in the rites of spring when the rivers thaw and the flowers unfold. It's a reminder that God's creation is not static but constantly changing, revealing new wonders at every turn.

Mullins then shifts the focus to the small details that often go unnoticed. He mentions beads of dew on a spider's web and motes of dust in beams of light. These seemingly insignificant things remind us that even the smallest aspects of creation are part of God's grand design. It's a call to pay attention to the beauty that surrounds us, even in the mundane.

Throughout the song, Mullins emphasizes the idea that God is the creator of this marvelous world. He acknowledges that while humans may have the ability to shape the world to some extent, a better and brighter world can only come from God. He sings of giving praise to God and singing loud songs, recognizing that all the wonders of the world point to the greatness of God.

The lyrics of "With The Wonder" align with several scripture verses that highlight the theme of God's creation and our response to it. Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." This verse echoes Mullins' sentiment that the world is filled with wonders that testify to God's greatness.

Another verse that resonates with the song is Romans 1:20, which says, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made." Mullins' song encourages us to see and appreciate the wonders of creation as a reflection of God's character.

"With The Wonder" is not just a song about nature; it's a song that invites us to cultivate a sense of wonder and gratitude for the world around us. It teaches us to see beauty in the smallest details, to marvel at the changing seasons, and to recognize God as the ultimate creator. It's a reminder that the world we live in is a gift from God, and our response should be one of awe, praise, and gratitude.

In conclusion, "With The Wonder" by Rich Mullins is a song that captures the beauty and awe of God's creation. It invites us to open our eyes and hearts to the wonders of the world and to respond with gratitude and praise. The song aligns with scripture verses that speak of God's creation and our role in appreciating and stewarding it. It serves as a reminder to live with a sense of wonder and to recognize God as the ultimate creator of this marvelous world.
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