You Lift Me Up Lyrics Rachael Lampa

You Lift Me Up by Rachael Lampa

Climbing on a cloud
Dancing on a daydream
I don't have a doubt
Just how good this life could be
You lift me up

Running in the rain
Singing in the sunshine
Telling all the world
Why I'm so in love with life
You lift me up

You lift me up
I'm touching the blue sky
You lift me up
I'm on top of the world
You lift me
I'm getting closer to heaven
In every little thing I love
You lift me up

Heading for the stars
Riding on a moon beam
Taking me so far
Farther than I've ever been
You lift me up

You lift me up
I'm touching the blue sky
You lift me up
I'm on top of the world
You lift me
I'm getting closer to heaven
In every little thing I love
You lift me up

And it's so crystal clear
I'm in love
All I'll ever want
All I'll ever need is right here
De do...
De do...
De do...

You lift me up
I'm touching the blue sky
You lift me up
I'm on top of the world
You lift me
I'm getting closer to heaven
In every little thing I love
You lift me up

You Lift Me Up Video

You Lift Me Up Info

"You Lift Me Up" by Rachael Lampa is a beautiful and uplifting song that captures the essence of finding joy and inspiration in life. With its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics, the song resonates with listeners and reminds them of the power of love and faith.

The song starts with the lyrics, "Climbing on a cloud, dancing on a daydream, I don't have a doubt, just how good this life could be." This opening line immediately sets the tone for the song, conveying a sense of joy and optimism. It speaks of a life filled with happiness and a belief in the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

As the song progresses, Lampa sings about running in the rain, singing in the sunshine, and telling the world why she is so in love with life. These images paint a vivid picture of someone who is fully embracing every moment and finding beauty in the simple things. It speaks to the idea of living life to the fullest, appreciating the blessings that surround us, and sharing that joy with others.

The chorus of the song repeats the uplifting message of being lifted up. Lampa sings, "You lift me up, I'm touching the blue sky, you lift me up, I'm on top of the world." This chorus is a reminder that we have the power to rise above our circumstances and experience a higher level of joy and fulfillment. It speaks to the idea of finding strength and inspiration in something greater than ourselves.

In terms of scripture verses that relate to the theme of the song, there are several that come to mind. One verse that stands out is Isaiah 40:31, which says, "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." This verse speaks of finding strength and renewal in God, and the imagery of soaring on wings like eagles is reminiscent of the lyrics in "You Lift Me Up."

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Psalm 28:7, which says, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him." This verse speaks of finding joy and strength in God, and the idea of praising Him with our song aligns with the message of "You Lift Me Up."

Overall, "You Lift Me Up" is a song that encourages listeners to find joy and inspiration in life, to appreciate the beauty that surrounds them, and to trust in something greater than themselves. Its uplifting message and catchy melody make it a song that can lift the spirits and bring a smile to anyone's face. So the next time you need a reminder to embrace life and find joy in the little things, just listen to "You Lift Me Up" and let it lift your spirits too.
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