Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Lyrics Rachael Lampa

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Rachael Lampa

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory
In the light of His glory
In the light of His glory and grace

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

In the light of His glory and grace

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Video

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Info

"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" is a powerful and uplifting song performed by Christian artist Rachael Lampa. This beautiful rendition of the hymn carries a message that is timeless and relevant to believers of all ages.

The song encourages listeners to turn their focus away from the distractions and worries of this world and instead fix their gaze upon Jesus. The lyrics remind us that when we truly look at Jesus, His glory and grace will overshadow the things of this earth, and they will grow strangely dim in comparison.

The inspiration behind this song comes from a line in the hymn "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" written by Helen Howarth Lemmel in 1922. Rachael Lampa's version brings a fresh and contemporary sound to the hymn, making it accessible to a new generation of listeners.

The theme of the song is derived from several scripture verses that emphasize the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus. One verse that resonates with the song is Hebrews 12:2, which says, "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

This verse reminds us that Jesus is the source of our faith and the example we should follow. When we fix our eyes on Him, we can find strength to endure trials and overcome any challenges we may face.

Another Scripture that relates to the theme of the song is Colossians 3:1-2, which says, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

This verse encourages believers to set their hearts and minds on heavenly things, not being consumed by the things of this world. By turning our eyes upon Jesus, we are reminded of the eternal perspective and the hope we have in Him.

Rachael Lampa's rendition of "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" is filled with emotion and passion. Her powerful vocals and the dynamic arrangement of the song help to amplify its message. The song serves as a reminder to believers to refocus their attention on Christ and to find comfort, peace, and strength in His presence.

The song has resonated with many listeners, both young and old, because of its timeless message and Lampa's heartfelt delivery. It has become a staple in worship services and gatherings where believers come together to praise and worship God.

In conclusion, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" by Rachael Lampa is a beautiful and inspiring song that encourages believers to fix their gaze upon Jesus amidst the distractions and challenges of this world. The lyrics remind us to seek His glory and grace and to find hope, peace, and strength in His presence. Through this song, Lampa's powerful vocals and heartfelt delivery bring a fresh and contemporary sound to the timeless hymn, making it accessible and relatable to a new generation of listeners. So, let us turn our eyes upon Jesus and experience the transformative power of His love and grace.
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