So Long Lyrics Rachael Lampa

So Long by Rachael Lampa

Who, who'll be the first to walk away
And say all the things that we couldn't say
Strange how it never let's you go
Strange how this ever felt like home
Having it all, and having it all slip away

It's been so long since I
I knew who I was
And now that I finally see myself
I don't see us

You, you were the one I couldn't let go
Anything better than being alone
Having it all, having it all slip away

It's been so long since I
I knew who I was
And now that I finally see myself
I don't see us

So here goes, the last call
All the love that we had
I am not, I'm not looking back

It's been too long since I
I knew who I was
And now that I finally see myself
I don't see us

And now that I finally see myself
I don't see us

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So Long Info

"So Long" by Rachael Lampa is a captivating song that delves into the complexities of relationships and the struggle to let go when things aren't working out. With its heartfelt lyrics and soulful melody, the song resonates with anyone who has experienced the pain of a failing relationship.

The song opens with the question, "Who'll be the first to walk away and say all the things that we couldn't say?" This line sets the tone for the rest of the song, highlighting the difficulty in expressing our true feelings and the fear of confrontation. Sometimes, it feels easier to hold on to a relationship that is no longer fulfilling rather than face the pain and discomfort of letting go.

Lampa sings about the strange paradox of a relationship that never truly feels like home, despite having everything one could desire. This speaks to the emptiness and dissatisfaction that can exist even in seemingly perfect relationships. It's a reminder that material possessions and outward success do not guarantee happiness or fulfillment.

As the song progresses, Lampa reflects on the passage of time and the distance that has grown between the couple. She yearns for a return to the person she once was, before the relationship consumed her identity. This sentiment is echoed in the lyrics, "It's been so long since I knew who I was, and now that I finally see myself, I don't see us." It speaks to the struggle of losing oneself in a relationship and the need to rediscover one's own identity and worth.

In exploring the theme of letting go, the song evokes several scripture verses that resonate with its message. One such verse is Matthew 16:26, which states, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?" This verse reminds us that holding onto something that is not meant for us, even if it appears to bring success or satisfaction, will ultimately lead to a loss of our true selves.

Another scripture that relates to the theme of the song is Ecclesiastes 3:1, which says, "For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." This verse serves as a reminder that there is a time for everything, including the end of relationships. It encourages us to trust in God's timing and have faith that letting go is necessary for growth and new beginnings.

"So Long" by Rachael Lampa is a poignant song that speaks to the universal struggle of letting go. Through its introspective lyrics and haunting melody, the song captures the feelings of longing, loss, and the desire to rediscover one's true self. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most difficult but necessary choice we can make is to say goodbye and move forward.
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