Being Alive Lyrics Rachael Lampa

Being Alive by Rachael Lampa

I don't wanna wake up in a crowded room
No room to move
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers sniffing helium from balloons
Cause they got nothin better to do
You know those days when you can't hear above the noise
And all your doubts deployed
It's getting late and you're getting bored
With the status you cling to


Being alive is breathin in and breathin out, oh
Being alive is knowin what you're gonna live for
It's knowing you got something you can't live without oh
Love love love love love love love

Do you ever wake up and find that you're
The only one that's standing still
Just part of the drill- no big deal
Today is just another thing to get through
And as the day goes passing by
I run down the list of things I meant to try
I meant to fly
I just never got around to it


Being alive is breathin in and breathin out, oh
Being alive is knowin what you're gonna live for
It's knowing you got something you can't live without oh
Love love love love love love love

So say you will, so say you won't give in when love comes
And when it does you're asking where will it come from
You will live long enough to learn, long as you have some
Love love love love love love love

Being alive is breathin in and breathin out, oh
Being alive is knowin what you're gonna live for
It's knowing you got something you can't live without oh
Love love love love love love love

Being alive is breathin in and breathin out, oh
Being alive is knowin what you're gonna live for
It's knowing you got something you can't live without oh
Love love love love love love love

Being Alive Video

Being Alive Info

"Being Alive" by Rachael Lampa is a captivating song that speaks to the essence of truly living and finding purpose in life. With its upbeat melody and inspiring lyrics, the song encourages listeners to embrace the gift of life and the love that surrounds them.

The song begins by painting a vivid picture of feeling trapped and suffocated in a crowded room, symbolizing the noise and chaos of everyday life. Lampa sings about clowns and jokers, representing the distractions and superficialities that often consume our attention. It's a relatable feeling, as we all have days when it seems impossible to find clarity amidst the noise.

But then the chorus bursts in with a powerful reminder: "Being alive is breathing in and breathing out, oh." Lampa emphasizes the simple act of breathing, a reminder that life itself is a precious gift. The song encourages us to find purpose and meaning in our existence, to know what we are living for. It's about recognizing that we have something within us that we can't live without - love.

The theme of love is woven throughout the song, as Lampa sings, "Love, love, love, love, love, love, love." Love is the driving force behind truly living and finding fulfillment. In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:13 states, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." Love is the foundation of our faith and the source of our hope. It is what gives our lives purpose and meaning.

Lampa's lyrics also touch on the idea of not settling for mediocrity or complacency. She sings about waking up and finding oneself standing still, going through the motions without truly living. It's a reminder to seize the opportunities life presents and to not let fear or hesitation hold us back. The song encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and pursue the things that bring us joy and fulfillment.

The bridge of the song speaks to the uncertainties and doubts we often face. Lampa asks, "So say you will, so say you won't give in when love comes." It's a reminder that love requires vulnerability and a willingness to take risks. It's about being open to love and not letting fear or past hurts dictate our actions. The bridge also references the importance of learning and growing in love, as we are encouraged to live long enough to learn and experience the transformative power of love.

Overall, "Being Alive" is a song that speaks to the human desire for purpose, love, and fulfillment. It reminds us to embrace the gift of life, to seek out what we are truly living for, and to embrace the transformative power of love. The song resonates with listeners on a deep level, as it speaks to the universal human longing for meaning and connection. It serves as a powerful reminder to live fully, love deeply, and embrace the joy of being alive.
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