Right Now Lyrics PlanetShakers

Right Now by PlanetShakers

My mind's made up, my intentions clear
All that I want, is found right here
I'm moving close, awaken desire
I hunger and thirst, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher

Right now, Holy Spirit move
Fane into flame and consume, all of my heart again
Right here, pour Your Spirit out
Come like a rushing wind, and burn in my heart again
Right now, oh-oh-ohh-oh-ohhhh

My mind's made up, my intentions clear
(All that I want) All that I want
(Is found right here) Is found right here
I'm moving close, awaken desire
(Oh, I hunger and thirst) I hunger and thirst
(Take me higher) So take me higher
(Take us higher, God)
So take me higher, so take me higher
(Take us higher)
So take me higher
(Oh, take us higher)
So take me higher

Right now, Holy Spirit move
Fane into flame and consume, all of my heart again
Right here, pour Your Spirit out
Come like a rushing wind, and burn in my heart again, ohh!

I will worship, I will worship with all that's in me
I will praise You, I will praise You with all my heart
You are holy, You are worthy of all the glory
Full of power, God, forever Your kingdom reigns
I will worship, I will worship with all that's in me
I will praise You, I will praise You with all my heart, ohh
You are holy, You are worthy of all the glory
Full of power, God, forever Your kingdom reigns

Right now, Holy Spirit move
Fane into flame and consume, all of my heart again
Right here, pour Your Spirit out
Come like a rushing wind, and burn in my heart again

(I will worship)
I will worship, I will worship with all that's in me
I will praise You, I will praise You with all my heart
(Oh, You are holy) You are holy
(You are worthy) You are worthy of all the glory
Full of power, God, forever Your kingdom reigns

So take me higher, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher
So take me higher, so take me higher

Right now, Holy Spirit move
Fane into flame and consume, all of my heart again
Right here, pour Your Spirit out
Come like a rushing wind, and burn in my heart again

Right Now Video

Right Now Info

"Right Now" by PlanetShakers is a powerful and energetic worship song that ignites a fire within the hearts of believers. With its catchy melodies and uplifting lyrics, this song is sure to get you on your feet and praising God with all your might.

The song begins with the declaration, "My mind's made up, my intentions clear. All that I want is found right here." This line sets the tone for the entire song, expressing a deep longing and hunger for more of God's presence. It speaks of a resolute decision to pursue God and His will, leaving behind any distractions or doubts.

As the song progresses, it intensifies with the cry, "Right now, Holy Spirit move. Fan into flame and consume all of my heart again." This plea for the Holy Spirit to move and consume our hearts is a reflection of the desire for revival and a deeper experience of God's power and love. It acknowledges that it is only through the Holy Spirit's work that we can truly encounter God and be transformed.

The lyrics also emphasize the act of worship and surrender. They say, "I will worship, I will worship with all that's in me. I will praise You, I will praise You with all my heart." It is a declaration of wholehearted devotion to God, acknowledging His holiness and worthiness of all glory. It encourages believers to worship God with every aspect of their being, holding nothing back.

The song's theme aligns with several scripture verses. In Psalm 63:1, David expresses his deep longing for God, saying, "O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water." This verse captures the same intensity and hunger for God's presence that is found in "Right Now."

Another scripture that relates to the song is Acts 2:2-4, which describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It says, "And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit." This passage resonates with the cry for the Holy Spirit to move and consume our hearts in "Right Now."

The inspiration behind "Right Now" stems from the desire to see a fresh move of God in the lives of believers. It is a call to press in, to hunger and thirst for more of God's presence, and to experience His power and love. The song encourages believers to surrender their hearts and worship God with all their might, believing that He will meet them right where they are.

In conclusion, "Right Now" by PlanetShakers is a song that stirs the hearts of believers to seek a deeper encounter with God. Its powerful lyrics and energetic melodies inspire wholehearted worship and surrender. Rooted in scripture and the desire for revival, this song serves as a passionate declaration of longing for God's presence and a call to experience His power and love in a fresh way. So, let us join together and declare, "Right now, Holy Spirit move!"
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