Perfect Love Lyrics PlanetShakers

Perfect Love by PlanetShakers

You are at home in my heart
'Cause You loved me right from the start
When I was refusing
Your love kept pursuing

Now that I've tasted Your love
My heart just can't get enough
Jesus You have me
You have me completely

It's Your love in my heart running over
Everyday of my life I'll draw closer

Such a perfect love
Oh, You lift me higher
Lighting up my way
Everything is brighter
With You everything is better
With You I am right where I belong
In this perfect love

No matter what I go through
I'll keep my eyes fixed on You
Jesus You're faithful
And You are able

It's Your love in my heart running over
Everyday of my life I'll draw closer

Such a perfect love
Oh, You lift me higher
Lighting up my way
Everything is brighter
With You everything is better
With You I am right where I belong
In this perfect love

Every part of my heart is now open
Make Your home in my heart
You are welcome

Such a perfect love
Oh, You lift me higher
Lighting up my way
Everything is brighter
With You everything is better
With You I am right where I belong
In this perfect love

Perfect Love Video

Perfect Love Info

"Perfect Love" by PlanetShakers is a powerful worship song that captures the essence of God's love for us. With its energetic and uplifting melody, the song reminds us of the overwhelming love that God has for His children.

The lyrics of the song beautifully express the depth and intensity of God's love. It speaks of how God pursued us even when we were resistant to His love, and how His love has completely transformed our lives. The song acknowledges that it is God's love that fills our hearts and satisfies our souls. It declares that with God's love, everything becomes better, brighter, and we find our true belonging.

The inspiration behind "Perfect Love" is rooted in the truth of God's Word. One scripture verse that resonates with the theme of the song is found in 1 John 4:18 which says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." This verse reminds us that God's perfect love casts out all fear. When we experience the depth of God's love, we no longer need to be afraid. His love brings peace, assurance, and security.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is found in Romans 8:38-39 which says, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This verse assures us that nothing can separate us from God's love. His love is constant, unwavering, and everlasting.

The song "Perfect Love" encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who is the embodiment of perfect love. It reminds us that Jesus is faithful and able to meet all our needs. It invites us to invite Jesus into our hearts and make Him our home.

The song's message is not only uplifting but also challenges believers to live in the reality of God's love. It calls us to draw closer to Him every day and to allow His love to overflow from our hearts. It reminds us that when we are filled with God's perfect love, we can experience a transformed life.

The song has resonated with many people, and its powerful message has touched the hearts of listeners around the world. It has become an anthem of praise and worship, reminding believers of the incredible love that God has for each one of us.

In conclusion, "Perfect Love" by PlanetShakers is a song that captures the overwhelming and perfect love of God. Its lyrics remind us of the depth of God's love, how He pursued us, and how His love transforms our lives. The song draws inspiration from scripture verses that speak of God's unfailing love and His ability to cast out all fear. It encourages believers to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, to draw closer to Him, and to allow His love to overflow in their lives. "Perfect Love" serves as a reminder that with God's love, everything becomes better, brighter, and we find our true belonging.
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