Lift Your Name Up Lyrics PlanetShakers

Lift Your Name Up by PlanetShakers

I'm gonna lift You up
Higher than all things
Above every name

Cause You are my God and King
You made everything
So I give You all my praise

I'm gonna lift Your name up
So everyone can see You live in me

Shine Your light in me
So all the world will see
The power of Your majesty

Jesus I will lift Your name up

Let Your Spirit fall on me
Now so that all the
World will know that You're my God

Jesus I will lift Your name up

I'm so in love with You
Everything You do
Everything You say

You never let me go
You're always in control
And I give You all my praise

Jesus I will lift
Your name up
Higher than all other names
You are my God
You are my King
You are my

Lift Your Name Up Video

Lift Your Name Up Info

"Lift Your Name Up" is a powerful worship song by the Australian Christian band, PlanetShakers. This song is featured on their album, "Rain Part 1," which was released in 2018. With its energetic and uplifting melody, "Lift Your Name Up" calls believers to exalt the name of Jesus above all else and proclaim His greatness to the world.

The lyrics of "Lift Your Name Up" are simple yet profound. They express a deep love and adoration for God, acknowledging His sovereignty and power over all things. The song starts with the declaration, "I'm gonna lift You up, higher than all things, above every name," emphasizing the desire to exalt God above any other earthly thing or name.

The song continues to proclaim that God is the Creator of everything and deserves all our praise. It reminds us that He is our God and King, and we should give Him the honor and worship He deserves. The chorus cries out, "I'm gonna lift Your name up, so everyone can see You live in me." This line reflects the heart's desire to be a testimony of God's presence and power in our lives, shining His light to the world.

The theme of lifting up God's name is rooted in Scripture. In Psalm 99:5, it says, "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy." This verse encourages us to exalt and worship God, recognizing His holiness and greatness. Similarly, Philippians 2:9-11 states, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." This passage reminds us that Jesus' name is above all other names, and every knee will one day bow before Him.

The song also reflects a personal relationship with God. It speaks of being deeply in love with Him and finding joy in His presence. It acknowledges that God is always in control and never lets go of His children. This echoes the promise in Isaiah 41:13, "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

The inspiration behind "Lift Your Name Up" is to encourage believers to worship God wholeheartedly and lift His name high. It reminds us that worship is not just confined to a church service but should be a lifestyle. The song urges us to let the Spirit of God fall on us so that the world can see the power of His majesty. It is a call to be bold in our faith and to be a witness of God's love and grace to those around us.

In conclusion, "Lift Your Name Up" is a vibrant worship anthem that calls believers to exalt the name of Jesus above all else. Its lyrics are a powerful declaration of love, adoration, and surrender to God. Inspired by Scripture, the song emphasizes the importance of lifting God's name high and being a witness of His power and presence in our lives. As we sing "Lift Your Name Up," may our hearts be stirred to exalt and worship God with all that we are.
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