Jump Around Lyrics PlanetShakers

Jump Around by PlanetShakers

Somebody get your praise on

There is one thing that I know for sure
How much I love You yet You love me more
You paid my debt a price I could not pay
So I will praise You each and every day

I'm not gonna hold back now
I think it's time to just get up
And jump around now

Everybody jump around
In the house of God
Hey, hey jump around
Everybody jump around
In the house of God

When I say Jesus
You say praise Him
Jesus praise Him
Jesus praise Him

There is one thing that I can't ignore
The power of praising You in one accord
Our praise goes up, the walls come down
Listen up people I can hear that sound

Praise Him, jump jump
Come on praise Him, jump jump
Praise Him, jump jump
Somebody get your praise on

Somebody get your
Some-somebody get your praise on

Jump Around Video

Jump Around Info

"Jump Around" by PlanetShakers is an energetic and uplifting song that encourages believers to express their love and praise for God without reservation. With its catchy beat and powerful lyrics, it's a song that will get you jumping and dancing in no time.

The song starts off with the proclamation that there is one thing that the singer knows for sure – their love for God and His love for them. This echoes the biblical truth found in 1 John 4:19, which says, "We love because he first loved us." It reminds us that our love for God is a response to His overwhelming love and grace towards us.

The chorus of the song is an invitation for everyone to jump around and praise God in His house. It's a call to abandon any inhibitions and to fully engage in worship, giving our all for the One who deserves it. This is reminiscent of Psalm 150:6, which says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." It encourages us to use our bodies and voices to worship God wholeheartedly.

Throughout the song, there is an emphasis on the power of praise. The lyrics declare that when we praise God, the walls come down. This speaks to the spiritual breakthroughs and victories that can happen when we choose to praise God in the midst of our circumstances. It reminds us of the story in the Bible where the walls of Jericho came tumbling down when the Israelites shouted and praised God (Joshua 6:20). Our praise has the power to bring down strongholds and bring about God's victory in our lives.

The bridge of the song declares, "When I say Jesus, you say praise Him." It's a call and response that highlights the centrality of Jesus in our worship. Jesus is the reason why we can praise God with such joy and freedom. Philippians 2:9-11 says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Jesus is worthy of our praise and adoration, and this song reminds us of that truth.

"Jump Around" is a song that not only encourages us to praise God with all our might but also reminds us of the power and victory that comes through our praise. It inspires us to let go of any reservations and to fully engage in worship, knowing that God is deserving of our highest praise. So, next time you hear this song, don't be afraid to jump around and give God your all.
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