Revolution Cry Lyrics Passion

Revolution Cry by Passion

When passion takes on a purpose
And searching ones embrace the light
When skeptics find themselves down on their knees
You'll know it's here

When you hear a sound as loud as thunder
And you hear a cry that shakes the ground beneath you
When you hear a shout that shatters the darkness
You'll know it's here

When the lost find a name we're believing in
And the fallen get back onto their feet
And the broken start to dream again
And the sound of hope fills these streets
You'll know it's here

Can you feel it
Revolution cry
Can you hear it
Revolution cry
And I believe it
And I believe it

How long do we have to wait
And how long will we stay silent
When will this weeping generation dance again
Oh God when will
The truth be restored

When the lost find a name we're believing in
And the fallen get back onto their feet
And the broken start to dream again
And the sound of hope fills these streets
You'll know it's here

Revolution Cry Video

Revolution Cry Info

"Revolution Cry" by Passion is a powerful song that ignites a fire within the hearts of believers. With its bold declaration and captivating melody, it stirs up a longing for a revolution of faith and a movement of God's power.

The song starts by acknowledging the transformative power of passion when it is aligned with a purpose. When we are passionate about something, it drives us to take action and pursue it wholeheartedly. In the context of faith, when our passion is directed towards God and His purposes, it becomes a catalyst for change. We become unstoppable in our pursuit of His kingdom and His will.

The lyrics also speak to the impact of this revolution of faith on those who have been searching for something greater. It says that when skeptics, those who doubt or question, find themselves humbled and surrendering to the light of God, we will know that the revolution is here. It is a beautiful picture of the transformative power of God's love and grace, breaking through the walls of doubt and skepticism and drawing people to Himself.

The song continues with a powerful imagery of a cry that shakes the ground and a shout that shatters the darkness. This speaks to the power of our voices, united in worship and proclamation, to bring about change. It reminds me of the verse in Isaiah 55:12, which says, "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands." Our worship and declaration of God's goodness and power have the ability to shake the foundations and bring light into darkness.

The chorus of the song declares the cry for revolution, the longing for change, and the belief that it will come. It speaks to the deep desire within the hearts of believers to see revival and transformation in our world. It echoes the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:19, "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." This unity and agreement in prayer and purpose are essential for the revolution to take place.

The bridge of the song speaks to the hope and restoration that come with this revolution. It talks about the lost finding a name to believe in, the fallen getting back on their feet, and the broken starting to dream again. This reminds me of the promise in Joel 2:25, "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten." God is in the business of restoration and bringing new life to those who have been broken and lost.

In conclusion, "Revolution Cry" by Passion is a song that captures the longing for a revolution of faith and a movement of God's power. It speaks to the transformative power of passion aligned with purpose and the impact it has on those who have been searching for something greater. The song is a call to unity in worship, prayer, and proclamation, believing in the power of God to bring about revival and restoration. May it inspire us to be a part of the revolution and cry out for God's kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
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