Every Nation Lyrics Nicole C. Mullen

Every Nation by Nicole C. Mullen

Every nation, every kindred
Every tribe, every tongue

Every nation, every kindred
Every tribe, every tongue

Every nation, every people
Every tribe, every tongue

Every nation, every nation

Every nation, every kindred
Every tribe, every tongue
Will be there

Every Nation Video

Every Nation Info

"Every Nation" by Nicole C. Mullen is a powerful and inspiring song that celebrates the diversity and unity of all people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. It is a beautiful reminder that in the eyes of God, we are all equal and loved.

The song begins with the repeating line, "Every nation, every kindred, every tribe, every tongue." This repetition emphasizes the inclusivity of God's love and His desire for all people to come together as one. It reflects the biblical truth found in Revelation 7:9, which says, "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."

The lyrics of "Every Nation" convey a message of unity and peace, urging us to embrace our differences and celebrate the beauty of diversity. It serves as a reminder that despite our unique backgrounds and cultures, we are all part of one human family. This idea is rooted in the biblical teaching that God created every person in His image (Genesis 1:27) and that Jesus came to save all people, regardless of their race or nationality (Galatians 3:28).

Nicole C. Mullen's powerful vocals and the uplifting melody of the song further enhance its message. The combination of the lyrics and music creates a sense of hope and encouragement, urging listeners to stand together and make a positive difference in the world.

The song's theme of unity and diversity is particularly relevant in our current global context. In a world that can often be divided by differences, "Every Nation" reminds us of the importance of embracing and celebrating diversity rather than fearing or rejecting it. It challenges us to break down barriers and build bridges of understanding and love.

The inspiration behind the song likely stems from Nicole C. Mullen's own experiences and observations of the world. As an African American artist in the predominantly white Christian music industry, she has undoubtedly faced her share of challenges and discrimination. However, instead of allowing those experiences to create bitterness or division, she has chosen to use her platform to promote unity and celebrate the diversity of God's creation.

"Every Nation" is a powerful reminder that our differences should not divide us, but rather unite us in a common purpose: to love and serve God and one another. It challenges us to look beyond our own limited perspectives and embrace the beauty and richness that comes from learning from and engaging with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

In conclusion, "Every Nation" by Nicole C. Mullen is a deeply impactful song that celebrates the unity and diversity of all people. Its inspiring message of acceptance and love is rooted in biblical truths and serves as a call to action for believers to embrace and celebrate the beauty of God's diverse creation. It is a song that challenges us to break down barriers, build bridges, and work towards a world where every nation, tribe, and tongue can stand together in love and unity.
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