Lend Your Song To Me Lyrics Micah Stampley

Lend Your Song To Me by Micah Stampley

Lend your song to me

I will worship u with a song in the desert breeze
I will worship with the drumbeat on your holy hill
I will worship u as an instrument of your righteousness
I will worship u with the words you wanna hear

Lend your song to me [x8]

U can trust me
And I will sing to u with my voice my voice
And I amplify the sound of heavens with pipes

And I will offer up myself a holy sacrifice here I am
And I'll drink forever more from the river of new life

Lend [x17]

I can hear the sound of heaven like a mighty rushing wind
I can hear the sound of heaven rushing rushing me in [repeat till end]

Give me a sound
Can u hear it I can hear it
Ooohhh ooohhoh

Lend Your Song To Me Video

Lend Your Song To Me Info

"Lend Your Song To Me" by Micah Stampley is a beautiful and uplifting song that calls for the presence and guidance of God in our lives. The song begins with the plea to God to lend His song to the singer, symbolizing the desire to worship and praise Him with a pure heart.

The lyrics speak of worshiping God in various ways, whether it be through the gentle breeze in the desert or the powerful drumbeat on His holy hill. This illustrates the idea that worship is not limited to a specific time or place, but can be expressed in any circumstance and in any way that resonates with our souls.

One of the main themes of the song is the idea of being an instrument of God's righteousness. The singer expresses the desire to be used by God to bring forth His message and to worship Him in a way that aligns with His will. This resonates with the scripture verse in Romans 6:13 that says, "Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life."

The chorus of the song repeats the plea to God to lend His song, emphasizing the longing for His presence and the recognition that without Him, our worship is incomplete. It is a humbling reminder that our worship is not about us, but about bringing glory and honor to God.

As the song progresses, the singer acknowledges the trust that God has placed in him to sing with his voice and amplify the sound of heaven with his pipes. This highlights the responsibility that comes with being a vessel for God's message and the importance of using our gifts and talents to worship Him.

The bridge of the song speaks of offering oneself as a holy sacrifice and drinking from the river of new life. This echoes the scripture verse in Romans 12:1 that says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."

The song ends with the declaration that the singer can hear the sound of heaven, likening it to a mighty rushing wind. This signifies the presence and power of God in our lives and the ability to hear His voice and guidance.

Overall, "Lend Your Song To Me" is a deeply spiritual and heartfelt song that encourages us to surrender ourselves to God and worship Him with all that we have. It speaks to the desire for a deeper connection with God and the recognition that true worship comes from a place of humility and surrender. It is a reminder that our worship should not be limited to a specific time or place, but should permeate every aspect of our lives.
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