The Brothers Lyrics Merle Haggard

The Brothers by Merle Haggard

[Merle Haggard]
Several years ago
He gave up everything that mattered
And rambled off to Nashville Tennessee

With a pocket full of country songs
And his old guitar
He thought that's where he was supposed to be

But the family stood here waiting and his songs
Are getting faded
There's probably not a nickel in his jeans

But if he don't get good enough
To sing his way back home
He knows that he can always count on me

[George Jones]
Momma is Joe still driving
Them old nails out in Colorado
Lord I always thought a-lot of him

You know maybe someday
Me and this old guitar
Just might happen to get lucky
And I'll get a chance to go back and visit my old friends
Did Sonny get that ranch he always wanted
That's my boy
Lord, I used to want to be a cowboy to
But I'm still stuck here in Nashville writing songs and getting older
Mostly I always think about you

[Merle Haggard]
I wonder where he'd be right now
If he was not a dreamer
And if he was just
A little more like me

He wouldn't be in Nashville
Reaching for the stars
And wishing things were like they used to be

[George Jones]
Mom is Joe still driving
Them old nails in Colorado
I always thought alot of him
Maybe someday
Me and this ol guitar
Is gonna happen to get lucky
And ill come back and visit my old friends
Mom did Sonny get that ranch that he always wanted
Down by Boulder
I used to want to be a cowboy to
Mom I'm stuck here in Nashville writing songs and getting older
But mostly I been thinking about you

The Brothers Video

The Brothers Info

"The Brothers" by Merle Haggard is a heartfelt song that tells the story of two brothers who followed their dreams in different directions. It explores themes of family, sacrifice, and the pursuit of passion. Through its lyrics, the song captures the longing for connection and the bittersweet reality of chasing one's dreams.

The song opens with the narrator reflecting on his brother's decision to leave everything behind and pursue a career in music in Nashville. The brother believed that this was where he was meant to be and that his dreams would come true. However, as time passes, the family realizes that his dreams may not have materialized as he had hoped. The narrator acknowledges that his brother's songs have faded, and he may not have achieved the success he desired. Despite this, the narrator remains supportive and expresses his unwavering love and support for his brother.

The lyrics also touch upon the narrator's own journey as a musician. He mentions his desire to become a cowboy but finds himself stuck in Nashville, writing songs and getting older. This juxtaposition highlights the sacrifices made in pursuing one's dreams and the uncertainty that often accompanies such pursuits. The narrator reflects on the possibility of returning home to visit his old friends and family, emphasizing the importance of maintaining connections and staying grounded amidst the pursuit of dreams.

In terms of biblical themes, "The Brothers" resonates with the concept of family and loyalty. The song portrays the unconditional love and support the narrator has for his brother, mirroring the biblical principle of brotherly love. In the book of Proverbs, it is written, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity" (Proverbs 17:17). This verse emphasizes the importance of standing by family and friends, especially during challenging times.

Furthermore, the song speaks to the theme of contentment and finding fulfillment beyond worldly success. The narrator's brother may not have achieved the level of success he aspired to, but the love and support of his family remain constant. This echoes the teachings of the apostle Paul, who wrote, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Philippians 4:11). The song reminds listeners that true happiness and fulfillment come from the relationships we build and the love we share, rather than external achievements.

"The Brothers" by Merle Haggard is a poignant and introspective song that delves into the complexities of pursuing dreams while maintaining familial bonds. Through its heartfelt lyrics, it captures the universal longing for connection and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of passion. The song's message aligns with biblical principles of love, loyalty, and finding contentment beyond worldly success. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder to cherish and support our loved ones, even as we navigate the ups and downs of our own individual journeys.
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