Thanks To Uncle John Lyrics Merle Haggard

Thanks To Uncle John by Merle Haggard

Many years ago when my daddy died
I caught myself a freight train and my mama cried
Looking back it all looks like a marathon
And it started all with an E chord I learned from Uncle John

Now John had a lot of gumption and he gave me some
And he taught me "Rubber Dolly" and a guitar run
A river bank in those days wadn't my love, boo
But he shared his kitchen table and his family too

Now, right here and now it's thanks to Uncle John
To Claudia, Doug, Norman, Joe and Lillian
Now John Burke was really not my uncle but we were kin
'Cause he shared his home and family and he took me in

Many years ago when my daddy died
I caught myself a freight train and my mama cried
And looking back it all looks like a marathon
And it started all with a blues chord that I learned from my uncle John

"Rubber Dolly", yes
"Rubber Dolly"

Thanks To Uncle John Video

Thanks To Uncle John Info

"Thanks To Uncle John" is a heartfelt song by Merle Haggard that pays tribute to the impact his uncle had on his life. The song reflects on the beginnings of Haggard's musical journey and the support and guidance he received from his Uncle John.

From the very first verse, Haggard sets the tone of the song by reminiscing about the difficult time when his father passed away. Feeling lost and seeking solace, he found comfort in music and embarked on a path that would shape his life forever. Haggard's decision to catch a freight train after his father's death symbolizes his determination to pursue his musical dreams, even in the face of adversity.

The lyrics suggest that Uncle John played a significant role in Haggard's musical development. He taught him an iconic guitar run and a song called "Rubber Dolly." These lessons may seem simple on the surface, but they were the foundation upon which Haggard's musical style would be built. Through these teachings, Uncle John not only shared his knowledge but also instilled in Haggard a sense of passion and love for music.

The mention of Uncle John's kitchen table and his family is particularly significant. It implies that Haggard not only learned from his uncle but also became a part of his family. This suggests a deep bond and a nurturing environment where Haggard could grow and thrive as a musician.

In a broader sense, "Thanks To Uncle John" speaks to the importance of mentorship and the impact one person can have on another's life. Scripture also emphasizes the significance of guidance and support from others. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." This verse highlights the idea that we can learn and grow through the influence of those around us. Uncle John served as a guiding force in Haggard's life, helping him find his voice and pursue his dreams.

The song also touches on the theme of family. Throughout the Bible, family is seen as a source of strength and support. In Ephesians 6:1-3, it states, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother'—which is the first commandment with a promise—'so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.'" Haggard's gratitude towards Uncle John reflects the biblical value of honoring and cherishing family relationships.

"Thanks To Uncle John" is a testament to the power of mentorship and the impact one person can have on another's life. Through his heartfelt lyrics, Merle Haggard expresses his gratitude and appreciation for the guidance and support he received from his uncle. The song serves as a reminder for all of us to cherish those who have made a positive impact on our lives and to always be willing to mentor and support others in their journeys as well.
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