Driftwood Lyrics Merle Haggard

Driftwood by Merle Haggard

I am just driftwood
Drifting with the winds that blow across the sky
I can't always be here with you, babe
I am just driftwood drifting by

Our lives came together
And somehow we came to mingle for a while
Like two colors of the rainbow
We blended well together for a while

Yea, but I won't ever anchor down
The Lord above has numbered all my days
I am just driftwood
And I think it's time I drifted on aways

I am just driftwood
Drifting with the winds that blow across the sky
I can't always be here with you, babe
I am just driftwood drifting by

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Driftwood Info

"Driftwood" is a classic country song by Merle Haggard that captures the essence of a wandering spirit, someone who can't be tied down and is constantly moving through life. The lyrics paint a picture of someone who is like driftwood, floating aimlessly with the winds that blow across the sky.

The song begins with the line, "I am just driftwood, drifting with the winds that blow across the sky." This imagery sets the tone for the rest of the song, highlighting the transient nature of the narrator's existence. They acknowledge that they can't always be there with their loved one, as they are constantly drifting by.

The theme of drifting and not being tied down is a prevalent one in the Bible. In Matthew 8:20, Jesus says, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." This verse speaks to the idea of not having a permanent home or a fixed place in the world. It echoes the sentiment expressed in "Driftwood" of not being able to anchor down and always being on the move.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Hebrews 13:14, which says, "For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come." This verse speaks to the idea that our earthly existence is temporary and that our true home is in heaven. It reflects the idea of being like driftwood, floating through life until we reach our final destination.

The inspiration behind "Driftwood" may have come from Haggard's own experiences and the ups and downs of his life. Haggard had a tumultuous upbringing and spent time in prison before finding success as a musician. His personal journey may have influenced the lyrics of the song and the idea of constantly drifting through life.

The song has a melancholic tone, reflecting the bittersweet nature of a transient existence. The narrator acknowledges that their drifting ways may prevent them from being with their loved one, but it's a reality they have come to accept. It's a poignant reminder that sometimes we have to let go of the things we love in order to follow our own path.

Overall, "Driftwood" is a beautifully written song that captures the essence of a wandering spirit. The lyrics and imagery evoke a sense of longing and acceptance, as the narrator embraces their role as driftwood, floating through the world. The song's theme of drifting and not being tied down resonates with biblical verses about the temporary nature of our earthly existence. In the end, "Driftwood" serves as a reminder to embrace the journey and find beauty in the transient moments of life.
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