The One You Love Lyrics Maverick City Music

The One You Love by Maverick City Music

I can be real with You
Say anything and not be afraid
You made me and You like what you made
You made me and You don't make mistakes
I can be real with You

You take me just as I am
You choose me all over again
'Cause I am the one You love
I am the one You love
I don't have to prove anything
There's room at Your table for me
'Cause I am the one You love
I am the one You love

I know You're proud of me
Even though I don't deserve it sometimes
No, I'm not a perfect child
But I still make my Father smile
I know You're proud of me

You take me just as I am
You choose me all over again
I am the one You love
I am the one You love
I don't have to prove anything
There's room at Your table for me
I am the one You love
Yes, I am the one You love

You take me just as I am
You choose me all over again
I am the one You love
I am the one You love
I don't have to prove anything
There's room at Your table for me
I am the one You love
I am the one You love

It's me you love
I know you love me
The real me
You know everything and you still love me
You know everything and you still love me

They'll leave over a rumor but You stay with the truth

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

You take me just as I am
You choose me all over again
I am the one You love
I am the one You love
I don't have to prove anything
There's room at Your table for me
I am the one You love
I am the one You love

I am the one You love
I am the one You love
I am the one You love

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Your love, your love never fails
Your love never fails

Always pursuing love
Even though I'm not worthy
Always chasing love
I'm undeserving
But You call me friend
Hey, You call me brother
Hey, how could this be?
A king, my friend
His righteousness
But still my friend
In all His holiness
And still my friend
Even though he's perfect
He's still my friend
He is closer than a brother
Than a mother or a father
Still my friend
In all his greatness and his holiness
Still my friend

I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend
I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend

I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend
I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend

I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend
I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend

I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend
I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend

I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend
I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend

I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend
I can call on Him when I need Him
He's still my friend

I can call on Him when I need Him
I can call on Him when I need Him
I can call on Him when I need Him
I can call on Him when I need Him

I can call on Him when I need Him
I can call on Him when I need Him
I can call on Him when I need Him
Never to busy to answer His son
Or daughters

He's on the main line
Tell Him what you want

He's on the main line
Tell Him what you want

He's on the main line
Tell Him what you want

He's on the main line
Tell Him what you want

He's on the main line
Tell Him what you want

He's on the main line
Tell Him what you want

He's on the main line
Tell Him what you want

The One You Love Video

The One You Love Info

"The One You Love" by Maverick City Music is a powerful and soul-stirring song that reminds us of God's unconditional love for us. The lyrics express the freedom and security we have in knowing that we are deeply loved by God, just as we are. It's a beautiful reminder that we don't have to strive or prove ourselves to earn God's love, but rather, we are fully accepted and embraced by Him.

The song begins by acknowledging our ability to be real with God, to say anything and not be afraid. This speaks to the intimacy we can have in our relationship with Him, knowing that we can come to Him with all our joys, fears, doubts, and insecurities. We are reminded that God made us, and He doesn't make mistakes. This reassurance is a powerful reminder that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and we are loved just as we are.

Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of God's unwavering love for us. The lyrics proclaim that God takes us just as we are and chooses us over and over again. It's a beautiful testament to His grace and mercy, that despite our flaws and imperfections, He still loves us. We don't have to prove anything to Him, and there is always room at His table for us. This imagery of being welcomed and accepted by God is a powerful reminder of His all-encompassing love.

The scriptural basis for the theme of the song can be found in various verses. One verse that comes to mind is Romans 5:8, which says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This verse reminds us that God's love is not dependent on our actions or performance. He loved us before we even knew Him, and His love is not based on what we do or don't do. It is a love that is freely given, unmerited, and unconditional.

Another verse that relates to the song is Ephesians 2:4-5, which says, "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." This verse emphasizes that God's love for us is not based on our own worthiness or goodness. It is purely out of His great love and mercy that He saved us and made us alive in Christ.

"The One You Love" is a powerful anthem that reminds us of the incredible love of God. It encourages us to embrace our identity as beloved children of God and to rest in the assurance that we are fully loved and accepted by Him. The song is not just a proclamation of God's love for us, but it also invites us to respond by loving Him in return and living in the truth of His love.

In conclusion, "The One You Love" by Maverick City Music is a beautiful and heartfelt song that speaks to the depths of God's love for us. It reminds us that we are fully known and fully loved by Him. The lyrics are a powerful declaration of our identity as beloved children of God and the security we have in His unwavering love. May this song continue to touch hearts and remind us of the incredible love that God has for us.
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