Put On Love Lyrics Maverick City Music

Put On Love by Maverick City Music

Clothe us in Your love
Help us forgive as You forgave
Extend Your grace towards us
Let compassion fall like rain

And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

Jesus, lead us
Show us the better way
Jesus, free us
Take us from fear to faith
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

Heaven come to us
Let us see Your kingdom here
Through every tribe and tongue
Lord, let Your glory be revealed

And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

Jesus, lead us
Show us the better way
Jesus, free us
Take us from fear to faith
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

Bind us together
One to another
Walking in love, unshakeable
Tear down our boundaries
Break down the borders
Walking in love, unshakeable
Bind us together
One to another
Walking in love, unshakeable
Tear down our boundaries
Break down the borders
Walking in love, unshakeable

And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

Jesus, lead us
Show us the better way
Jesus, free us
Take us from fear to faith
Jesus, lead us
Show us the better way
Jesus, free us
Take us from fear to faith
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
Jesus, lead us
Show us the better way
Jesus, free us
Take us from fear to faith
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

So help me love my brother
God, help me love my sister
Help me love my neighbor
Help me love my enemies (We pray)
God, help me love my brother
Lord, help me love my sister
Lord, help me love my neighbor
Help me love my enemies
(As You did, as You did)
Help me love my brother
Help me love my sister (Jesus, help me)
Help me love my neighbor
Help me love my enemies

Love lifted me
Love lifted me
And nothing else could help
Love lifted me
It was your amazing love
That covered us
Your love never weathers
Your love never shatters
It's unbreakable, unchangeable
The love you gave to us
When you gave your Son to us
That was love
When you died on the cross for us
That was love
Thank You for Your love

Jesus, free us
Take us from fear to faith
Jesus, free us
Take us from fear to faith
And above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

We put away the pride
We put away the anger
And we put on the garment of love
Lay aside every weight
Lay aside every weight
And put on the garment of love
Yes, we'll put on the garment of love
Yes, we'll put on the garment of love
(We will) put on the garment of love
(We will) put on the garment of love
(We will love as you told us to love) put on the garment of love
(We will love our neighbors as ourself) put on the garment of love
(We will love our enemies) put on the garment of love
(We will love, we will love) put on the garment of love
(We will love, we will love) put on the garment of love

Above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love
Above all else, we put on love

Help me love my brother
Help me love my sister
Help me love my neighbor
Help me love my enemies

Put On Love Video

Put On Love Info

"Put On Love" by Maverick City Music is a powerful and inspiring song that calls us to clothe ourselves in love and live out the teachings of Jesus Christ. With its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody, this song serves as a reminder of the importance of love in our lives and how it can transform not only ourselves but also our relationships with others.

The song begins by emphasizing the need to forgive others as Christ forgave us. It encourages us to extend grace and compassion towards others, just as God has shown us. This message aligns with the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 6:14-15, where he says, "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." By choosing to forgive and show love to others, we are reflecting the love and forgiveness that God has shown us.

The chorus of the song declares that above all else, we are to put on love. This echoes the words of the apostle Paul in Colossians 3:14, where he writes, "And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Love is to be the foundation of our actions and interactions with others. It is through love that we can truly reflect the character of Christ and experience unity within the body of believers.

Throughout the song, there is a plea for Jesus to lead us and show us the better way. It acknowledges our need for guidance and transformation from fear to faith. This resonates with Psalm 119:105, which states, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." As we seek guidance from Jesus and His Word, we can walk in love and follow the example He has set for us.

The bridge of the song emphasizes the importance of breaking down boundaries and tearing down borders. It calls for unity and love among all people, regardless of tribe, tongue, or background. This aligns with the teachings of the apostle Paul in Galatians 3:28, where he states, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." The love of Christ breaks down barriers and unites us as His children.

"Put On Love" is a song of declaration and surrender. It calls us to put on the garment of love and to let go of pride, anger, and fear. It reminds us that love is not just an emotion but a choice and an action. It challenges us to love our brothers, sisters, neighbors, and even our enemies, just as Christ has loved us.

In conclusion, "Put On Love" by Maverick City Music is a beautiful and impactful song that encourages us to live out the teachings of Jesus by putting on love. Its lyrics, rooted in scripture, remind us of the importance of forgiveness, grace, and unity in our relationships with others. This song serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of love and how it can change our lives and the world around us.
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