Getting Ready Reprise (This Is the Blessed Hope) Lyrics Maverick City Music

Getting Ready Reprise (This Is the Blessed Hope) by Maverick City Music

This is the blessed hope
This is the blessed hope
This is the blessed hope
(We will see You)
This is the blessed hope
This is our (the) blessed hope
This is the blessed hope
(We will see You)

We will see You
The Lion and the Lamb will play together, we will see You
With Your eyes like fire, we will see You
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, we will see You
The Lion, the Lion, the Lion
We won't just hear about You, we will see You
All the glory, all the honor, all dominion belongs to You, yeah
We will see You
We will see You
We know what happens at the end
We will see You, oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh
[?] to sing Your praise
So we'll start right now
Yes, we'll start right now, oh
All the nations will sing Your praise
So we'll start right now, we'll start right now
All the people will sing Your praise, God
So we'll start right now, we'll start right now
Every tribe will sing Your praise, God
So we'll start right now, we'll start right now
Every people will sing Your praise, God
So we'll start right now, we'll start right now
We'll start right now, we'll start right now
We'll start right now, we'll start right now
We'll start right now, we'll start right now
We'll start right now

Every tribe and tongue
Every tribe and tongue
Every tribe and tongue
Every skin color
Every tribe and tongue
Todo lengua y la tierra, Jesús
Todo lengua y la tierra, Señor
Todo [?]
Todo [?], Señor
Tú eres digno, Señor
Tú eres digno, Señor
No hay nadie como tú, Jesús
No hay nadie
No hay nadie
No hay nadie como tú, Jesús
Todo la gloria
Todo el honor
Todo poder
La autoridad
It's Yours, it's Yours
It's Yours, it's Yours
It's Yours, all of it
All of it, Yours
All of it, Lord
Glory, honor, power
Todo la gloria
Todo el honor es tu, Jesús
Every tribe, every language
Every people group, every skin color
Every ethnicity will bow down and say, "Jesus is Lord"
Jesus is Lord
Jesús es Rey
Jesús es el Señor
Jesús es el Señor
Jesús es el Señor
Jesús es el Señor
Jesús es el Señor
Jesús es el Señor
Jesús es el Señor (Jesus is Lord)
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
(In America)
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
(In every country)
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord

Jesus is Lord (Jesus is Lord)
Jesus is Lord (Jesus is Lord)
Jesus is Lord
We are ready for the harvest (Yes, yes)
Jesus is Lord (Jesus is Lord)
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord, ayy
Jesus is Lord, ayy
Jesus is Lord

So like the sound of many waters
And like the sound of rolling thunder
Hallelujah, give Him glory
For the marriage of the Lamb is coming
Hallelujah, give Him glory
For the marriage of the Lamb is coming
We're getting ready

Give Him glory
Hallelujah, give Him glory
Hallelujah, give Him glory
Hallelujah, give Him glory
(Hallelujah) Give Him glory
Hallelujah, give Him glory
Hallelujah, give Him glory
For the marriage of the Lamb is coming

When we all get to Heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We will sing and shout victory
When we all (Get to Heaven) see Jesus
What a day of rejoicing (That will be)
When we all (When we all)
Every single one of us, see Jesus (See Jesus)
We will sing and shout victory

Getting Ready Reprise (This Is the Blessed Hope) Video

Getting Ready Reprise (This Is the Blessed Hope) Info

"Getting Ready Reprise (This Is the Blessed Hope)" by Maverick City Music is a powerful and uplifting song that speaks to the anticipation and joy of the believers in the second coming of Jesus Christ. The song is a collaboration between Maverick City Music and Upperroom, two influential worship collectives known for their dynamic and spirit-filled music.

The lyrics of the song convey a sense of excitement and expectancy for the return of Jesus. It proclaims that the blessed hope of every believer is to see Jesus face to face, to experience the glory of His presence, and to worship Him for all eternity. The repetition of the phrase "we will see You" emphasizes the longing and certainty of this hope.

One of the scripture verses that relate to the theme of the song is Revelation 1:7, which says, "Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him." This verse speaks of the glorious return of Jesus, where every person will witness His arrival. The song captures this truth by declaring that we will not just hear about Him, but we will see Him with our own eyes.

Another verse that aligns with the message of the song is 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, which says, "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord." This passage describes the glorious moment when believers will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. The song echoes this anticipation and the joy of being united with the Lord forever.

The song also carries a message of unity and diversity in worship. The bridge of the song includes lyrics in different languages, proclaiming that every tribe, tongue, and nation will join together to sing praises to Jesus. This reflects the biblical truth found in Revelation 7:9-10, which describes a multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language standing before the throne of God, worshiping Him with one voice.

The inspiration behind "Getting Ready Reprise (This Is the Blessed Hope)" is to remind believers of the glorious future that awaits them in the presence of Jesus. It encourages them to keep their eyes fixed on Him and to live with a sense of expectation and readiness for His return. The song serves as a declaration of faith and a reminder of the hope that anchors our souls.

In conclusion, "Getting Ready Reprise (This Is the Blessed Hope)" by Maverick City Music is a powerful worship song that speaks to the anticipation and joy of believers in the second coming of Jesus Christ. Its lyrics capture the longing and certainty of our blessed hope to see Him face to face. The song is inspired by biblical verses that speak of the glorious return of Jesus and the unity of believers from every tribe and tongue. It serves as a reminder of our future hope and encourages us to live with expectancy and readiness for His coming.
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