You Are The Lord Lyrics Matt Maher

You Are The Lord by Matt Maher

You gave me a title although I didn't know you
You called my name and blessed me with life
Now I've squandered the fortunes of my childhood
Given into a world of lies
But I can't hide forever from what I know is true
Jesus I surrender my life to you

Cause you are the Lord and there is no other
You're my God and I'm not ashamed
I'll stand for you when the whole world falters
I will bear your name and I won't be the same

The mountains they move at the sound of your holy name
The lame will walk and the blind will see
I know you've won my heart, I know that I am nothing
You are the source of everything
And I can't live forever unless I live in you
Jesus I surrender my life to you

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You Are The Lord Info

"You Are The Lord" by Matt Maher is a powerful and inspiring song that speaks to the greatness and majesty of God. The lyrics convey a deep sense of surrender and recognition of God's sovereignty. It is a call to acknowledge Him as the one true Lord and to live a life that reflects this truth.

The song begins with the acknowledgment that God has given us a title, a purpose, and a life, even when we didn't know Him. This reminds us of God's love and grace, how He has called each of us by name and blessed us with the gift of life. It is a humbling realization that everything we have is from Him.

As the song progresses, it speaks of the temptation to squander the fortunes of our childhood, to give in to a world of lies. This reflects the struggles we face in our daily lives, the constant battle between following God's truth and succumbing to the temptations of the world. It highlights the importance of recognizing our need for God and surrendering our lives to Him.

The chorus of the song declares boldly that God is the Lord and there is no other. This echoes the words of the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 45:5, where God says, "I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides me there is no God." It is a powerful reminder that God alone is worthy of our worship and devotion.

The song also speaks of the miracles and wonders that God can accomplish. It mentions how mountains move at the sound of His holy name, the lame walk, and the blind see. These references align with the miracles performed by Jesus during His earthly ministry, showcasing His power and authority over all creation.

In the bridge of the song, Maher sings, "I know you've won my heart, I know that I am nothing, You are the source of everything." These words reflect the biblical truth that apart from God, we are nothing. In John 15:5, Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." It is a reminder of our dependence on God and the need to abide in Him.

"You Are The Lord" is a song that encourages us to surrender our lives to God, to acknowledge Him as the one true Lord, and to live in a way that reflects His truth. It reminds us of our need for Him and His power to transform our lives. Through its powerful lyrics and melodies, the song serves as a reminder of the greatness and majesty of God, inspiring us to worship and live for Him.

In conclusion, "You Are The Lord" by Matt Maher is a song that resonates with believers, reminding us of God's sovereignty, our need for Him, and the power of surrendering our lives to Him. Through its scriptural references and powerful message, the song encourages us to live a life that reflects God's truth and to worship Him as the one true Lord. It serves as a reminder of the greatness and majesty of God and inspires us to draw closer to Him in worship and surrender.
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