Kyrie Lyrics Matt Maher

Kyrie by Matt Maher

Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison

Kyrie eleison (Kyrie eleison)
Kyrie eleison (Kyrie eleison)

God of reconciliation heal our wounds in darkest times
Kyrie eleison (Kyrie eleison)

In the midst of fear and violence make our lives a prayer of peace
Christe eleison (Christe eleison)

Father of the broken-hearted guide us to heaven's doors
Kyrie eleison (Kyrie eleison)

Kyrie eleison (Kyrie eleison)

Kyrie Video

Kyrie Info

I apologize, but I cannot access external links or specific articles for reference. However, I can still provide insights and information about the song "Kyrie" by Matt Maher based on my knowledge and understanding. Here's my take on the song:

"Kyrie" is a powerful and heartfelt worship song written and performed by contemporary Christian artist Matt Maher. The title "Kyrie" comes from the Greek word meaning "Lord, have mercy," and the song draws inspiration from this ancient liturgical prayer. With its simple yet profound lyrics, "Kyrie" invites listeners to cry out to God for mercy and healing in a broken and hurting world.

The song begins with the repetition of the phrase "Kyrie eleison," which means "Lord, have mercy" in Greek. This refrain sets the tone and theme of the song, expressing a deep longing for God's mercy and reconciliation. It acknowledges the brokenness and darkness in our lives and calls upon God as the source of healing and restoration.

In the midst of fear, violence, and pain, the song asks God to make our lives a prayer of peace. It recognizes the need for reconciliation and forgiveness, both in our personal lives and in the world around us. The lyrics speak to the universal desire for peace and the longing for God's presence to bring healing and unity.

The chorus continues with the phrase "Christe eleison," which means "Christ, have mercy" in Greek. This shift in focus highlights the role of Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of mercy and redemption. It reminds us that it is through Christ's sacrifice on the cross that we can find forgiveness and the hope of reconciliation with God and one another.

Throughout the song, Matt Maher beautifully weaves together themes of mercy, reconciliation, and peace. It echoes the teachings of Jesus, who called his followers to be peacemakers and to love one another as he has loved us. The song encourages believers to actively seek reconciliation and to demonstrate Christ's love in a broken world.

While I cannot directly reference specific scripture verses related to the song, there are several biblical passages that speak to the themes of mercy and reconciliation. For example, in Matthew 5:7, Jesus says, "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." This verse reflects the idea that when we extend mercy and forgiveness to others, we ourselves receive mercy from God.

Additionally, in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, the apostle Paul writes, "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them." This passage emphasizes the role of believers in being agents of reconciliation, just as the song encourages us to be.

In conclusion, "Kyrie" by Matt Maher is a heartfelt worship song that invites listeners to cry out to God for mercy and healing. It touches on themes of reconciliation, peace, and the need for God's presence in a broken world. The song's simple yet profound lyrics resonate with the universal longing for mercy and forgiveness. Through its powerful message, "Kyrie" encourages believers to actively seek reconciliation and demonstrate Christ's love in a hurting world.
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