Back To Life Lyrics Mandisa

Back To Life by Mandisa

I breathe out confusion
I breathe in Your truth
I breathe out all my fear
I breathe in Your peace

I, I'm coming back to life
I'm feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
I, I'm leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You

I lay down my weakness
I take on Your strength
I lay down my defenses
I step into Your victory!

I, I'm coming back to life
I'm feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
I, I'm leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You
Only You, Jesus!

Shame and depression, and all anxieties
They have no power over me
Addiction and strongholds, and every disease
They have no power over me
Shame and depression, and all anxieties
They have no power over me
Addiction and strongholds, and every disease
They have no power over me

Oh I, I'm coming back to life
I'm feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
I, I'm leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You
I, I'm coming back to life
I'm feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
Oh I, I'm leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You

Because of You, only You
I'm coming back to life
Oh thank You Jesus
Oh thank You Jesus
I'm coming back to life
I'm coming back to life
Thank You Lord
I'm coming back, I'm coming back to life

Back To Life Video

Back To Life Info

"Back To Life" by Mandisa is an uplifting and powerful song that speaks to the heart of anyone who has experienced pain, fear, or hopelessness. The song's lyrics capture the journey of finding healing, restoration, and new life in Jesus Christ.

In the song, Mandisa sings about breathing out confusion, fear, and weakness, and breathing in God's truth, peace, and strength. This imagery beautifully represents the process of surrendering our burdens to God and allowing Him to bring transformation and renewal to our lives. It reminds us that true life and hope can only be found in Jesus.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is found in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" This verse speaks directly to the idea of being "back to life" in Christ. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are made new. Our old ways, fears, and struggles are replaced with His truth, peace, and victory. Mandisa's song captures the essence of this truth and encourages listeners to leave behind the old and embrace the new life found in Jesus.

Another scripture that resonates with the message of the song is Isaiah 43:18-19: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." This verse reminds us that God is in the business of bringing life and restoration to the broken and hopeless areas of our lives. Just as Mandisa sings about leaving the past behind and stepping into victory, this scripture encourages us to let go of our past mistakes and hurts and embrace the new life and hope that God offers.

The song "Back To Life" is not only inspiring in its message, but it also holds a personal significance for Mandisa. In her journey as a Christian artist, she has openly shared about her struggles with depression and body image issues. She has experienced firsthand the power of God's redemption and restoration in her own life. This song is a testament to God's faithfulness and His ability to bring us back to life no matter what we have been through.

Mandisa's music has touched the lives of many, and her transparency and vulnerability have made her relatable to a wide audience. Her story serves as a reminder that we are all in need of God's grace and healing. As we listen to "Back To Life," we are reminded that no matter how broken or hopeless we may feel, there is always hope and new life to be found in Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, "Back To Life" by Mandisa is a powerful song that speaks to the heart of anyone who has experienced pain, fear, or hopelessness. The lyrics capture the journey of finding healing, restoration, and new life in Jesus Christ. Through its inspiring message and relatable lyrics, the song reminds us of the truth found in scripture and encourages us to let go of our past and embrace the new life and hope that God offers. Mandisa's personal story of redemption and her transparency make this song even more impactful. "Back To Life" is a reminder that no matter what we have been through, there is always hope and new life to be found in Jesus.
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