Wake Up Lyrics Leeland

Wake Up by Leeland

The nation lost and dying
Searching for You
Creation waits
Children with the word of God
Written on their hearts
Show love to the world

We need to wake up, wake up
Live like God
Pour out love
We need to wake up, wake up
Live like God
Pour out love

I know it's sad
That the gift we have
We keep it for ourselves
Most of the time
The world is looking
For a love that's locked up
Inside these four walls
Break the door down and shine

Our face is set
Our goal is heaven
Jesus, You are the well of love
We'll pour You out
We'll pour You out

Wake Up Video

Wake Up Info

"Wake Up" by Leeland is a powerful and captivating song that calls us as believers to awaken from our slumber and live out our faith with passion and love. The lyrics speak directly to the heart of the Church, urging us to rise up and share the love of God with a world that is lost and dying.

The song begins with the recognition that the nation is in desperate need of God. People are searching for Him, longing to find meaning and purpose in their lives. The lyrics emphasize that creation itself is waiting for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God, those who have the word of God written on their hearts. This speaks to the importance of not just knowing the word of God, but living it out and demonstrating His love to the world around us.

The chorus of the song echoes the call to wake up and live like God, pouring out His love wherever we go. It's a reminder that our faith should not be confined within the four walls of the church, but should overflow into every aspect of our lives. We are called to be vessels of God's love, shining His light into the darkness and bringing hope to those who are hurting.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is Ephesians 5:14, which says, "Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light." This verse emphasizes the need for believers to wake up from spiritual complacency and allow the light of Christ to shine through us. It's a call to live with purpose and intentionality, making the most of every opportunity to share God's love.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Matthew 5:14-16, where Jesus says, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." This verse reminds us that we have been called to be a light in the darkness, reflecting the love and character of God to those around us.

The inspiration behind "Wake Up" is clear - it is a call to action for believers to live out their faith boldly and passionately. It challenges us to examine our lives and ask ourselves if we are truly living as God has called us to. Are we sharing His love with those who desperately need it? Are we being intentional about shining His light in every area of our lives?

"Wake Up" is a reminder that our faith should not be passive, but active and alive. It's a wake-up call for the Church to rise up and be the hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting world. As the song declares, we need to wake up, live like God, and pour out His love. Let us be a generation that embraces this call and brings transformation to the world around us.
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