Let You In Lyrics Kutless

Let You In by Kutless

Lying here, in this pit that life's pushed me down
I don't know, just how long I can take or when I might break
I'm in needing so someone, please show me the truth

This need is real in my soul I feel the love You shared that's why I can't say no again
My thoughts are confused for my sins Your abused
My heart it screams, to open up and let You in

In my mind, I'm still fighting to understand
Nothing's free, but what You offer me, You give so freely, though it cost You Your life and inside, You show me the truth

This need is real in my soul I feel the love You shared that's why I can't say no again
My thoughts are confused for my sins Your abused
My heart it screams, to open up and let You in
You know I try to do it. To be a self made man

I tried to place it all upon my back again
But this crushing weight was well beneath the skin
Panicking for the light, an inner struggle I fight
But then I realized that You could be the only way

This need is real in my soul I feel the love You shared that's why I can't say no again
My thoughts are confused for my sins Your abused
My heart it screams, to open up and let You in

Let You in...

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Let You In Info

"Let You In" by Kutless is a powerful song that speaks to the deep longing within our souls to be known and loved by God. It's a song that resonates with anyone who has ever struggled with feeling alone or broken and is searching for hope and redemption. With its heartfelt lyrics and emotive melody, "Let You In" captures the essence of our need for God's love and grace.

The song begins with the raw admission of being in a pit, feeling overwhelmed by the challenges and hardships of life. It expresses the desperate cry for someone to show the truth, to bring light into the darkness. This is a sentiment that many of us can relate to, as we often find ourselves searching for answers and guidance in the midst of our struggles.

As the song progresses, it delves into the realization that there is a need for something greater than ourselves. It acknowledges that although we may try to find fulfillment and purpose in our own efforts, it is ultimately futile. The lyrics acknowledge the cost of our sins and the abuse we put ourselves through, highlighting the need for healing and redemption.

One of the most striking aspects of "Let You In" is its emphasis on the love and sacrifice of Jesus. It recognizes that true freedom and restoration can only be found through Him. The lyrics convey a sense of awe and gratitude for the love that Jesus demonstrated by giving His life for us. This love is described as the reason why the singer cannot say no again, as they have experienced the transformative power of God's love firsthand.

In exploring the theme of letting God in, several scripture verses come to mind. One such verse is Revelation 3:20, which says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." This verse speaks to the invitation that Jesus extends to each of us, inviting us to open our hearts and allow Him to come in and have a personal relationship with us.

Another relevant verse is Psalm 139:23-24, which says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" This verse reflects the desire of the singer in "Let You In" to have God search their heart and reveal any areas of brokenness or sin. It is a plea for God to lead them in the path of righteousness and bring healing and restoration.

Overall, "Let You In" by Kutless is a song that beautifully captures the longing within our souls to be known and loved by God. It reminds us of the sacrificial love of Jesus and the invitation He extends to each of us to open our hearts and let Him in. It speaks to the universal human experience of searching for hope and redemption, and ultimately finding it in the arms of a loving Savior.
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