Down Goes Rome Lyrics Koryn Hawthorne

Down Goes Rome by Koryn Hawthorne

The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of this world
Instead they have the power to destroy divine strongholds
Rome will fall
Down goes Rome

We forgot that we had the power
We forgot that we were this strong
Kinda feels like we're out here floating
'Cause we're so far away from home

I believe and I know it ain't over
'Cause the story's still being told
They feel our strength in numbers
They feel who's in control

Oh, down goes Rome and all the people start to roam
We won't take, we won't take it anymore
We will leap till we fly hallelujah, hallelujah
We will live, never die, hallelujah
We will rise over Rome
Over Rome, Rome, Rome
Over Rome, Rome, Rome

Joy comes in the morning
After the ashes after the smoke
As we build the buildings, clean up the walls
Re-pave the roads

The only place to go is up now
We gon' break through the clouds in the sky
Carry the weight of the world on our shoulders
The greatest story ever told, no lie

Oh, down goes Rome and all the people start to roam
We won't take, we won't take it anymore
We will leap till we fly hallelujah, hallelujah
We will live, never die, hallelujah
We will rise over Rome
Over Rome, Rome, Rome
Over Rome, oh

All these buildings crumbling at our feet
Now the people see where we're meant to be
All these buildings crumbling at our feet
Now the people see we were meant to be over Rome

Oh, down goes Rome and all the people start to roam
We won't take, we won't take it anymore
We will leap till we fly hallelujah, hallelujah
We will live, never die, hallelujah
We will rise over Rome
Over Rome, Rome, Rome
Over Rome, oh

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Down Goes Rome Info

"Down Goes Rome" by Koryn Hawthorne is a powerful and uplifting song with a message of hope and perseverance. The lyrics speak to the idea that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to overcome and rise above.

The song draws inspiration from the biblical concept of spiritual warfare, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5: "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Hawthorne compares the struggles of the present to the fall of Rome, a once mighty empire that eventually crumbled. She reminds us that we have forgotten our own strength and power, but it's not too late to reclaim it. The lyrics encourage us to take back control and not accept defeat, as we have the power to change our circumstances.

The song's chorus declares, "We won't take it anymore, we will rise over Rome." This line is a call to action, urging listeners to stand up against whatever obstacles they may be facing. It reminds us that our faith and belief in God's power can help us overcome any challenge.

Hawthorne's powerful vocals and the energetic beat of the song create an atmosphere of determination and resilience. The lyrics speak to the universal human experience of feeling lost and disconnected, but also offer a message of hope and redemption. It's a reminder that even when we feel like we're floating aimlessly, we have the strength within us to rise above our circumstances.

The song's message is further reinforced by the biblical idea of finding joy in the midst of trials. James 1:2-4 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." "Down Goes Rome" encourages listeners to find joy in the morning, even after the ashes and smoke of our struggles.

Overall, "Down Goes Rome" is a powerful anthem of resilience and faith. It reminds us that we have the power within us to overcome any challenge and rise above our circumstances. The song's message is deeply rooted in scripture, drawing on the concept of spiritual warfare and the idea of finding joy in the midst of trials. Through her passionate vocals and uplifting lyrics, Koryn Hawthorne encourages listeners to reclaim their strength and embrace the hope that comes from knowing God is with us in the battle.
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