Chanson Boheme Lyrics Katherine Jenkins

Chanson Boheme by Katherine Jenkins

Les tringles des sistres tintaient
Avec un éclat métallique,
Et sur cette étrange musique
Les zingarellas se levaient.

Tambours de basque allaient leur train,
Et les guitares forcenées
Grinçaient sous des mains obstinées,
Mêmes chansons, les mêmes refrains.
Mêmes chansons, les mêmes refrains.

Tra la la la...

Les anneaux de cuivre et d'argent
Reluisaient sur les peaux bistrées;
D'orange ou de rouge zébrées
Les étoffes flottaient au vent.

La danse au chant se mariait,
La danse au chant se mariait,
D'abord indécise et timide,
Plus vive ensuite et plus rapide,
Cela montait, montait, montait, montait!

Tra la la la...

Les Bohémiens, à tour de bras,
De leurs instruments faisaient rage,
Et cet éblouissant tapage
Ensorcelait les zingaras.

Sous le rhythme de la chanson,
Sous le rhythme de la chanson,
Ardentes, folles, enfiévrées,
Elles se laissaient, enivrées,
Emporter par le tourbillon!

Tra la la la...

Chanson Boheme Video

Chanson Boheme Info

"Chanson Boheme" is a captivating song performed by the talented Katherine Jenkins. This beautiful piece is part of her album "Serenade," which showcases her stunning vocal abilities and passion for music. The song is an interpretation of the original aria from the opera "Carmen" by Georges Bizet, but Jenkins adds her own unique touch to it, making it a mesmerizing experience for the listeners.

The lyrics of "Chanson Boheme" describe a scene where the gypsies, known as zingarellas, come alive with their vibrant music and dancing. It paints a picture of a lively and enchanting atmosphere, where the tambours de basque, a type of drum, create a rhythmic pulse while the guitars provide a forceful accompaniment. The zingarellas, with their copper and silver rings, and colorful garments, sway and move to the music, creating a mesmerizing display of passion and energy.

This song is filled with excitement and joy, as it captures the essence of the bohemian spirit. The bohemians, known for their free-spirited and unconventional lifestyle, are portrayed here as unapologetically embracing their music and dance. They revel in the moment, losing themselves to the rhythm and allowing themselves to be carried away in the whirlwind of the music. It is a celebration of the freedom and beauty found in self-expression and uninhibited joy.

As I listen to "Chanson Boheme," I am reminded of the verse in Psalm 149:3, which says, "Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp." This verse encapsulates the spirit of the song, as it highlights the joy and worship found in music and dance. It encourages us to use our talents and abilities to praise and honor God, just as the zingarellas do in their vibrant performance.

The song also reminds me of the importance of embracing our unique identities and passions. The bohemians in the song fearlessly express themselves through their music and dance, embodying their true selves without fear of judgment or conformity. This resonates with the scripture in Romans 12:2, which urges us not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. It encourages us to embrace our individuality and use our gifts to glorify God and inspire others.

"Chanson Boheme" is a song that transports listeners to a world of beauty, passion, and freedom. It captures the essence of joy and celebration, reminding us of the power of music and dance to uplift our spirits and bring us closer to God. Katherine Jenkins' rendition of this aria is nothing short of breathtaking, as she effortlessly showcases her vocal prowess and emotional connection to the music. It is a song that invites us to embrace our true selves, celebrate our unique gifts, and worship God with all our hearts.

In conclusion, "Chanson Boheme" is a remarkable song that captivates listeners with its vibrant and energetic performance. With its portrayal of the bohemian spirit and celebration of music and dance, it encourages us to embrace our individuality and worship God with joy and passion. Katherine Jenkins' rendition of this aria is a testament to her talent and artistry, making "Chanson Boheme" a truly unforgettable musical experience.
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