Friend Lyrics Juanita Bynum

Friend by Juanita Bynum

Friend, there will never be a friend
As dear to me as you
There will never be another
That's closer than a brother
Friend, always worth the wait
Faithful as the day
You say we are friends

You know all about me
The good and the bad
You know when I rise, yes
And fall
You see my beginnings
You stand at the end
And yet you remain
Faithful to say
I am your friend

Friend Video

Friend Info

"Friend" by Juanita Bynum is a powerful song that speaks to the depth and significance of having a true friend in our lives. Bynum's heartfelt and soulful delivery captures the essence of what it means to have someone who knows us intimately, stands by us through thick and thin, and remains faithful no matter what.

The song begins with the lines, "Friend, there will never be a friend, as dear to me as you. There will never be another, that's closer than a brother." These words remind us of the unique bond that friendship can bring. A true friend is not just someone we enjoy spending time with or have a good connection with, but someone who becomes like family to us. They are there for us in ways that no one else can be, providing support, encouragement, and love.

The lyrics continue, "Friend, always worth the wait, faithful as the day. You say we are friends." This speaks to the trust and reliability of a true friend. They are someone who is always there, no matter the circumstances or challenges we may face. They are worth waiting for because their presence in our lives brings joy and comfort.

In the song, Bynum expresses gratitude for the friend who knows all about her, the good and the bad. This reminds us of the biblical concept of God knowing us intimately. In Psalm 139:1-4, David writes, "You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely." This scripture shows us that God is not just a distant observer of our lives, but He knows us intimately. He knows our thoughts, our actions, and our desires. He is a true friend who remains faithful to us, even when we may fall short.

Bynum's song also reminds us of the biblical concept of friendship found in Proverbs 18:24, which says, "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." This verse speaks to the importance of having trustworthy and loyal friends in our lives. True friendship is not just about having fun or enjoying good times together, but about having someone who will stand by us through the highs and lows, who will support and encourage us, and who will remain faithful no matter what.

The song "Friend" by Juanita Bynum is a beautiful reminder of the significance of friendship in our lives. It speaks to the deep connection and intimacy that can be found in true friendship, and it highlights the faithfulness and reliability of a friend who knows us intimately and remains by our side. It is a song that resonates with many, as it captures the longing and appreciation we have for those special friends who become like family to us.
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