Another World Lyrics Jordan Feliz

Another World by Jordan Feliz

There will always be a longing
That we just can't satisfy
As long as we're still under Heaven
It's like we're living half a life
It's like my soul's already missing
A place I've never seen or heard
And the only explanation must be
Must be

I'm from from another world
Another world

So if you're feeling like a misfit
Just know you're in good company
Our time on earth is just a visit
Forever's where we're meant to be
But if we're here for just a minute I'm in it till the end
I'm owning the moment I've got until my light dims
Wanna meet the One I love and hear Him tell me "Well done"
When I wake up

In another world
Another world

My heart calls out to my home
And home calls out to my heart
I reach for You, 'cause I know
That home is where You are

My heart calls out to my home
And home calls out to my heart
I reach for You, 'cause I know
That home is where You are

In another world
Another world

Maybe I'm from there
Maybe I'm from another world, another world
Maybe I'm from there
Maybe I'm from another world, another world
Maybe I'm from there
Maybe I'm from another world, another world
Maybe I'm from there
Maybe I'm from another world, another world
Maybe I'm from there, another world, another world
Maybe I'm from there, another world, another world

Another World Video

Another World Info

"Another World" by Jordan Feliz is a captivating song that explores the longing for something more, a sense of not fully belonging in this present world. The lyrics express a deep yearning for a place that the singer has never seen or heard, a place that feels like home. It speaks to the universal human desire for a deeper connection, a longing for a world beyond our own.

The inspiration behind the song comes from Jordan Feliz's own experiences and reflections on the writings of C.S. Lewis, particularly his book "Mere Christianity." In an interview, Feliz shared how a passage from Lewis's book sparked the idea for "Another World." The passage talks about how our longing for a sense of belonging and fulfillment cannot be fully satisfied on earth because we were made for another world, a heavenly one.

The song beautifully captures this idea, resonating with anyone who has ever felt like a misfit or experienced a sense of longing for something more. It acknowledges that our time on earth is fleeting, and there is a greater purpose beyond what we can see and experience in this present world.

Scripture verses that relate to the theme of the song can be found throughout the Bible. One verse that comes to mind is Philippians 3:20, which says, "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." This verse reminds us that as Christians, our true home is not here on earth but in heaven. Our ultimate hope and fulfillment are found in our relationship with Jesus and the promise of eternal life with Him.

Another verse that resonates with the theme of the song is Hebrews 11:16, which says, "Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them." This verse speaks to the idea of longing for a heavenly home, a place where we truly belong. It reminds us that our longing for another world is not in vain but is rooted in the promise of God's faithfulness and the hope of our eternal inheritance.

The song "Another World" encourages listeners to embrace their longing for something more and to find solace in the fact that they are not alone in their yearning. It reminds us that we are merely temporary residents in this world, and our true home awaits us in a place beyond our imagination.

The captivating melody and heartfelt lyrics of "Another World" draw listeners into a reflective and introspective state. It invites us to ponder the deeper questions of life and to find comfort in the knowledge that our yearning for another world is not in vain. It encourages us to hold onto the hope of a future where we will finally be in the presence of our Savior, where all our longings will be fulfilled.

In conclusion, "Another World" by Jordan Feliz is a thought-provoking and inspiring song that captures the universal longing for a deeper connection and a sense of belonging. It reminds us that our true home is not in this present world, but in a heavenly one. The song invites us to embrace our longing and find solace in the hope of a future where we will finally be in the presence of our Savior.
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