Someday At Christmas Lyrics Jon Reddick

Someday At Christmas by Jon Reddick

Someday at Christmas
Someday at Christmas
Men won't be boys
Playing with bombs
Like kids play with toys
One warm December
Our hearts will see
A world where men are free

Someday at Christmas
There'll be no wars
When we have learned
What Christmas is for
When we have found
What life's really worth
There'll be peace on Earth

Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world, where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmas time

Someday at Christmas
We'll see a land
With no hungry children
No empty hands
One happy morning
People will share
A world where people care

Someday at Christmas
They'll be no tears
When all men are equal and
And no man has fears
One shining moment
One right away
From our world today

Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmas time

Someday at Christmas
Men will not fail
Hate will be gone
And love will prevail
Someday a new world that we can start
With hope in every heart

Someday all are dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmas time
Someday at Christmas time

Someday At Christmas Video

Someday At Christmas Info

"Someday At Christmas" by Jon Reddick is a powerful and thought-provoking song that carries a message of hope, peace, and unity. Inspired by the original song by Stevie Wonder, Reddick puts his own spin on it and infuses it with his unique musical style and heartfelt lyrics.

The song starts off with the line, "Someday at Christmas, men won't be boys, playing with bombs like kids play with toys." This immediately sets the tone for the song's message, highlighting the devastating impact of war and violence on humanity. It calls for a world where people no longer engage in destructive behavior, but instead, embrace the true spirit of Christmas – love, compassion, and peace.

The lyrics continue to paint a picture of a future where all wars cease to exist and people live in harmony. Reddick sings, "One warm December, our hearts will see, a world where men are free." This line speaks to the longing for freedom from conflict and oppression, and the desire for a world where everyone can live without fear.

The song's theme is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Jesus calls his followers to love one another and to be peacemakers. The lyrics of "Someday At Christmas" align with these teachings, reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of living out these values in our daily lives.

One verse that resonates with the theme of the song is Matthew 5:9, which says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." This verse emphasizes the importance of actively working towards peace and reconciliation, and the song echoes this sentiment by envisioning a world where peace reigns.

Another verse that relates to the song's message is Isaiah 2:4, which states, "They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." This verse paints a vivid picture of a future where weapons of destruction are transformed into tools for cultivation, symbolizing the cessation of violence and the pursuit of peace.

"Someday At Christmas" serves as a reminder that the hope and peace we long for can be realized if we choose to live out the values of love and compassion. It encourages us to imagine a world where hunger is eradicated, where children's hands are never empty, and where people genuinely care for one another.

The song's message is especially relevant in our current world, where conflicts and divisions seem to be ever-present. It reminds us that Christmas is not just a holiday to be celebrated, but a time to reflect on the true meaning of Christ's birth and to actively work towards creating a more peaceful and just world.

In conclusion, "Someday At Christmas" by Jon Reddick is a beautiful and inspiring song that calls for a future where peace, love, and unity prevail. It draws from the teachings of Jesus Christ and encourages us to actively work towards these ideals. Through its poignant lyrics and heartfelt melody, the song reminds us of the true spirit of Christmas and the importance of living out its message all year round.
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