More Lyrics JJ Heller

More by JJ Heller

Hey child
Where' s your smile
Did the man on the television get you down
Hey man
You should feel so fulfilled
Does American dreaming drive you still

When will you have enough
Just a little bit more
Just a little bit more
When will you be satisfied
Just a little bit more
Just a little bit more

And spinning round and round
Vanity fair has taken this town down
Just one more thing you know you need
You need

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"More" by JJ Heller is a beautiful song that touches on a theme that many of us can relate to - the constant pursuit of more. In a world that often tells us that we need to have more, be more, and do more to find happiness and fulfillment, this song serves as a reminder to pause and reflect on what truly matters.

The lyrics of the song start with a question, "Hey child, where's your smile? Did the man on the television get you down?" This immediately sets the tone for the song, highlighting how external influences can easily rob us of our joy and contentment. The man on the television represents the constant bombardment of messages and advertisements that tell us we need more to be happy.

As the song progresses, it dives deeper into the idea of the American dream and the pursuit of success. It questions whether this relentless pursuit ever truly satisfies us or if we are always left wanting more. The chorus repeats the phrase, "When will you have enough? Just a little bit more," emphasizing the never-ending cycle of constantly wanting more and never feeling satisfied.

This theme of seeking more is something that is addressed in the Bible as well. In Ecclesiastes 5:10, it says, "Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless." This verse speaks directly to the idea that the pursuit of material wealth and possessions will never bring true satisfaction. It is a reminder that our focus should be on things that have eternal value, rather than temporary treasures.

Another verse that comes to mind is Matthew 6:19-21, where Jesus says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This verse serves as a powerful reminder that our ultimate treasure should not be found in earthly possessions, but in the things that have eternal significance.

"More" by JJ Heller speaks to the longing in our hearts for something greater than material wealth and success. It encourages us to pause and reflect on what truly brings us joy and fulfillment. The song reminds us that the constant pursuit of more will never satisfy us, and that true contentment can only be found in a relationship with God and living a life aligned with His purpose.

In conclusion, "More" by JJ Heller is a poignant song that captures the universal desire for more but challenges us to reconsider what we are truly seeking. It reminds us of the fleeting nature of material possessions and the importance of finding contentment in something greater. Through its thought-provoking lyrics, the song encourages us to seek a deeper and more meaningful connection with God, where true fulfillment can be found.
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