Better Half Lyrics JJ Heller

Better Half by JJ Heller

They say love's not an equation
And I have to agree
'Cause the sum of us is greater
Than the parts of you and me
It won't make sense on paper 'cause it's too good to believe
Oh, it's too good to believe

I could add it up or multiply it
Simplify or sub-divide it
Any way you choose to do the math
You will always be my
My better half

I gave away my heart to you
When I gave you my hand
And somehow I still ended up more whole than I began
I count it as a blessing
I'll never understand
Yeah, I'll never understand

I could add it up or multiply it
Simplify or sub-divide it
Any way you choose to do the math
You will always be my
My better half

Better than I ever dreamed
Better life
Better me
Better times infinity

I could add it up or multiply it
Simplify or sub-divide it
Any way you choose to do the math
You will always be my
My better half
You will always be my
My better half
My better half

Better Half Video

Better Half Info

"Better Half" by JJ Heller is a beautiful and heartfelt song that captures the essence of true love and the power of a committed partnership. With its simple yet profound lyrics, the song reminds us that love cannot be quantified or measured, but its impact on our lives is immeasurable.

The song begins by acknowledging that love cannot be reduced to an equation. It is not something that can be easily understood or explained on paper. The sum of two individuals in a relationship is greater than their individual parts. This idea resonates with the biblical concept of marriage found in Ephesians 5:31-32, which says, "For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."

Heller sings, "I could add it up or multiply it, simplify or sub-divide it, any way you choose to do the math, you will always be my better half." This line beautifully captures the idea that love cannot be calculated or measured. It is not about keeping score or trying to find an equal balance. Rather, it is about embracing the unique qualities and strengths that each partner brings to the relationship.

As Christians, we are called to love one another selflessly and sacrificially. The song reminds us that love is not about what we can get from the other person, but rather about what we can give. In John 15:13, Jesus says, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." This selfless love is what makes a relationship thrive and grow.

The song also emphasizes the idea that love is not about completing one another, but rather about complementing one another. Heller sings, "I gave away my heart to you when I gave you my hand, and somehow I still ended up more whole than I began." This line reflects the biblical view of marriage as a partnership where two individuals come together to support and encourage one another. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, it says, "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor...if either of them falls down, one can help the other up."

Throughout the song, Heller's beautiful and soothing voice carries a message of hope and gratitude for the gift of love. The melody and gentle instrumentation create a peaceful and comforting atmosphere, allowing the listener to reflect on the beauty of love and the blessings it brings.

"Better Half" is a song that speaks to the heart and reminds us of the deep connection and love that can be found in a committed relationship. It encourages us to appreciate and cherish the unique qualities and strengths of our partner, recognizing that together we are stronger and more whole. It reminds us of the beauty and power of love, and how it can transform our lives for the better.
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