Father Of Lights Lyrics Jesus Culture

Father Of Lights by Jesus Culture

Like a flame
Love burned in Your eyes
Driving You
To pay the greatest price
You bought my life
So I could be a light
Reflecting You
Reflecting love
Everything good comes from You
Father of Lights
Your love will always
Pierce through the darkest night
Love has a voice
Love has a name
Jesus, Jesus
Your love is a light
Filling my eyes
Jesus, Jesus
You bore the weight
Of death upon Your heart
And Your last breath
Tore the veil apart
You made a way
For me to walk in grace
So I could love you
Face to face
Everything good comes from You
Father of Lights
Your love will always
Pierce through the darkest night
Love has a voice
Love has a name
Jesus, Jesus
Your love is a light
Filling my eyes
Jesus, Jesus
Love has a voice
Love has a name
Jesus, Jesus
Your love is a light
Filling my eyes
Jesus, Jesus
Life will never be the same
Love has called my name
From the ashes
I rise to proclaim
Your love is undefeated
Forever You will reign
Justice has won again
Everything good comes from You
Father of Lights
Your love will always
Pierce through the darkest night
Love has a voice
Love has a name
Jesus, Jesus
Your love is a light
Filling my eyes
Jesus, Jesus
Your love has a voice
Love has a name
Jesus, Jesus
Your love is a light
Filling my eyes
Jesus, Jesus
Life will never be the same
Love has called my name
From the ashes
I rise to proclaim
Your love is undefeated
Forever You will reign
Justice has won again
Life will never be the same
Love has called my name
From the ashes
I rise to proclaim
Your love is undefeated
Forever You will reign
Justice has won again
Love has a voice
Love has a name
Jesus, Jesus
Your love is a light
Filling my eyes
Jesus, Jesus
Love has a voice
Love has a name
Jesus, Jesus
Your love is a light
Filling my eyes
Jesus, Jesus

Father Of Lights Video

Father Of Lights Info

"Father Of Lights" is a powerful worship song by Jesus Culture that beautifully encapsulates the essence of God's love and light. The lyrics are filled with imagery and poetic language that evoke a deep sense of awe and reverence for the Father.

The song begins by describing God's love as a flame burning in His eyes, driving Him to pay the greatest price for humanity. This is a reference to the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross, where He bought our lives so that we could become lights, reflecting His love to the world. It echoes the words of Jesus Himself in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

The chorus of the song emphasizes that everything good comes from God, who is the Father of Lights. This phrase is inspired by James 1:17, which says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." It reminds us that God's love and goodness are constant and unwavering, even in the midst of the darkest times.

Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of God's love as a light that pierces through the darkness. This imagery is reminiscent of Psalm 119:105, which says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." God's love illuminates our lives, guiding us and helping us navigate through the challenges and uncertainties of life.

The second verse of the song speaks of Jesus bearing the weight of death upon His heart and tearing the veil apart, making a way for us to walk in grace and love Him face to face. This references the crucifixion of Jesus, where His death tore the veil in the temple, symbolizing the access we now have to God's presence through Jesus' sacrifice. It echoes Hebrews 10:19-20, which says, "Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body."

The bridge of the song declares that love has a voice and a name, Jesus. It reiterates the belief that God's love is not just an abstract concept, but a tangible reality embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. This aligns with 1 John 4:9, which says, "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him."

Overall, "Father Of Lights" is a beautiful and profound worship song that reminds us of the depth and power of God's love. It draws inspiration from various biblical verses that highlight God as the source of all goodness and light, and Jesus as the embodiment of that love. The song invites us to reflect on the transformative power of God's love in our lives and to boldly proclaim that love to the world.
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