Glory To The Lamb Lyrics Jeremy Riddle

Glory To The Lamb by Jeremy Riddle

How strong did darkness appear
'Till His light drew near
And shattered the black
Putting evil to flight
Waking dead hearts to light
The Father, revealed

All sin, all darkness, all shame
It is all washed away no judgment remains
For those under His blood His redemption and love
He is calling us near No reason left to fear

Come let us worship and adore
Kneeling lower now before Him
Giving glory to the lamb

Come let us worship and adore
Kneeling lower now before Him
Giving glory to the lamb

How strong did darkness appear
'Till His light drew near
And shattered the black
Putting evil to flight
Waking dead hearts to light
The Father, revealed

Break out in glorious song for the victory is won
He has broken apart every prison and shame
He has vanquished the grave
The good news is clear salvation is here

Come let us worship and adore
Kneeling lower now before Him
Giving glory to the lamb

Come and worship Christ the Savior
Come with joy and offerings
Come and worship Christ the Savior
Come adore the King of Kings

Come let us worship and adore
Kneeling lower now before Him
Giving glory to the lamb

Come let us worship and adore
Kneeling lower now before Him
Giving glory to the lamb

Glory To The Lamb Video

Glory To The Lamb Info

"Glory To The Lamb" by Jeremy Riddle is a powerful worship song that exalts Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God who has overcome darkness and brought salvation. The lyrics of the song beautifully capture the triumph of light over darkness and the redemption that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him.

The song begins by acknowledging the strength of darkness before the arrival of Jesus' light. It speaks of how darkness appeared strong, but when Jesus came, He shattered the darkness and put evil to flight. This imagery reflects the biblical truth found in John 1:5, which says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." Jesus is the light that dispels darkness, bringing hope and life to those who are lost and dead in their sins.

As the song continues, it highlights the power of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. It declares that all sin, darkness, and shame are washed away by His blood, and there is no judgment left for those who are under His redemption and love. This echoes the message of Romans 8:1, which states, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Through Jesus' sacrifice, we are forgiven and set free from the guilt and shame of our past.

The chorus of the song invites the listeners to worship and adore Jesus, acknowledging His lordship and giving glory to Him. It emphasizes the humility and reverence we should have before our Savior, kneeling lower before Him in awe of His greatness. This echoes the words of Philippians 2:10-11, which says, "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

The bridge of the song celebrates the victory that Jesus has won over sin, death, and the grave. It proclaims that He has broken apart every prison and shame, and there is no reason left to fear. This echoes the truth found in 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, which says, "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

"Glory To The Lamb" is a powerful anthem of worship that exalts Jesus as the Lamb of God who has conquered darkness and brought redemption to all who believe in Him. It reminds us of the victory we have in Christ and encourages us to bow before Him in worship and adoration. May this song stir our hearts to give glory to the Lamb who is worthy of all praise and honor.
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