Among The Poor Lyrics Jeremy Riddle

Among The Poor by Jeremy Riddle

Lord I've said I want to serve You
I've been so eager to love
And how I've longed so much to find You
Just to be where You are

But it seems I've forgotten
Where You are and what You look like
I hear Your words speak to me
As You remind me again

You're (I'm) among the poor
You're (I'm) close to the broken
The least of these
The lowest of the low
You're (I'm) among the weak
The hungry, the thirsty
As I (You) do unto them
I've (You've) done unto You (Me)

We are Your people, we bear Your name
God we claim to seek Your ways
But have we neglected Your cries'
Have we looked past Your face'

See My face, look in My eyes
Hear My voice, don't ignore My plight

Among The Poor Video

Among The Poor Info

"Among The Poor" is a deeply moving and thought-provoking song by Jeremy Riddle that highlights the importance of caring for the marginalized and forgotten in society. With its powerful lyrics and soul-stirring melody, the song challenges listeners to reflect on their own attitudes and actions towards those in need.

The song begins by acknowledging our desire to serve and love God, but also recognizing that we often forget where He is and what He looks like. It is a reminder that God is not found in lofty places or amongst the comfortable and privileged, but rather among the poor and broken. This idea is grounded in the teachings of Jesus, who consistently showed love and compassion towards the marginalized and called His followers to do the same.

In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." This verse is echoed in the chorus of the song, where it states, "You're among the poor, close to the broken, the least of these, the lowest of the low." It serves as a reminder that when we serve and care for the poor and marginalized, it is as if we are doing it directly for Christ Himself.

The song goes on to highlight the importance of not neglecting the cries of the poor and not looking past their faces. It challenges us to truly see and hear the voices of the vulnerable around us, and to respond with love and compassion. This aligns with the biblical call to seek justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

One of the most powerful aspects of "Among The Poor" is its ability to stir empathy and conviction within the listener. The lyrics and melody come together to create an emotional experience, prompting us to reflect on our own attitudes and actions towards the poor. It encourages us to examine whether we have truly been living out our faith by loving and serving those in need.

The song's message is not only relevant for individuals, but also for the Church as a whole. It challenges us to evaluate how we prioritize our resources and how well we are fulfilling our mandate to care for the poor. It prompts us to consider whether we have become complacent or indifferent to the needs of others, and calls us to respond with love, generosity, and sacrificial action.

"Among The Poor" is a powerful anthem that reminds us of our responsibility as Christians to care for the marginalized and forgotten. It serves as a call to action, urging us to align our hearts with the heart of God and to actively seek ways to love and serve the least of these. Through its poignant lyrics and soul-stirring melody, the song inspires us to be agents of change, bringing hope and justice to a broken world.

In conclusion, "Among The Poor" by Jeremy Riddle is a song that challenges us to examine our attitudes and actions towards the poor and marginalized. Drawing inspiration from biblical teachings, the song reminds us of our call to love and serve those in need. It serves as a powerful reminder that when we care for the least of these, we are doing it for Christ Himself. This song is a timely reminder for both individuals and the Church as a whole to prioritize justice, mercy, and compassion in our lives and ministries.
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