All Is For Your Glory Lyrics Jeremy Riddle

All Is For Your Glory by Jeremy Riddle

There's just one chief end to man's purpose
One main reason for existence
All man's vain and high ambitions
Will one day be brought low
Will one day be brought low

To treasure You above all others
To love You like we love no other
And Your greatness soon will be uncovered
And all the earth will then know
And all the earth will then know

For You alone will be exalted in that day
And worthless goals will be exposed as idols that we've made
For You alone will be exalted in that day
And You'll be seen as rightful King and from our hearts, we'll say!...

That all is for Your glory
And all is for Your name
And all is for Your glory
That in all things You may have first place
That in all things You may have preeminence
That all is for Your glory
And all is for Your name
And all is for Your glory
That in all things You may have first place
That in all things You may have preeminence

So put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me
And I'll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty
Just put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me
And I'll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty

So catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life!...
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight

Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life!...
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight

So put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me
And I'll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty
Just put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me
And I'll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty

All Is For Your Glory Video

All Is For Your Glory Info

"All Is For Your Glory" is a powerful and uplifting worship song by Jeremy Riddle. It carries a profound message of surrendering all our ambitions and desires to God, recognizing that our purpose and existence are ultimately for His glory.

The song opens with the declaration that there is only one chief end to man's purpose, one main reason for our existence. This echoes the biblical truth found in Ecclesiastes 12:13, which states, "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Our ultimate purpose is to love and honor God above all else.

Throughout the song, Riddle emphasizes the importance of treasuring God above all others, loving Him like no other, and recognizing His greatness. This aligns with the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 22:37-38, where He states, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment." Loving God with our entire being is the foundation of our relationship with Him.

The lyrics also highlight the truth that one day, all the vain and high ambitions of mankind will be brought low. This reminds us of the words of Isaiah 2:11, which says, "The haughty looks of man shall be brought low, and the lofty pride of men shall be humbled, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day." The song encourages us to let go of our earthly goals and ambitions that are ultimately worthless, and instead exalt God as the rightful King.

"All Is For Your Glory" beautifully expresses the desire for God to have first place and preeminence in all things. This is in line with the teachings of the apostle Paul in Colossians 1:18, where he writes, "And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." The song encourages us to prioritize God above all else and recognize His rightful place as the center of our lives.

The song also captures the heart of surrender and willingness to serve wherever God leads. It speaks of the longing to be caught up in God's story and to live our lives solely for His glory. This echoes the sentiments of the psalmist in Psalm 86:11, who prays, "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name." It is a prayer for God to shape our hearts and lead us in His ways.

"All Is For Your Glory" is a powerful anthem of worship that reminds us of our ultimate purpose and the greatness of God. It encourages us to let go of our own ambitions and desires, and instead surrender everything for His glory. The song is a beautiful expression of our love and devotion to God, and a reminder of the importance of keeping Him at the center of our lives.

In conclusion, "All Is For Your Glory" by Jeremy Riddle is a deeply inspiring and worshipful song that encourages us to surrender all to God and exalt Him above all else. Its lyrics are grounded in biblical truths and remind us of our ultimate purpose and the preeminence of God. As we sing this song, we are reminded to treasure and love God above all others, recognizing His greatness and desiring to live our lives solely for His glory.
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