No Hay Error Lyrics Influence Music

No Hay Error by Influence Music

Hiciste de la nada lo mejor
La joya más perfecta, como el cielo no hay dos
Y fuimos fiel retrato de tu ser
Pero entró el miedo y la inocencia se nos fue
Oh-ohh, ohhh
Oh-ohh, ohhh-ohh

Desnudos en el medio del Edén
Tratamos de cubrirnos al oír tu voz llamar
Fue en vano el tratar de aparentar
Los que nos señalaban cuestionaron nuestra fe

Oh-ohh, ohhh
Me viste como siempre
Ohhhh, soy tu reflejo…

En ti no hay error
Y no soy la excepcion
Aunque este muy lejos
De donde debiera estar
En ti no hay error
Y el cielo esta a favor
Porque en tus ojos
Soy lo que esperas de mi
En ti no hay error, no-oo-oo-ooo
En ti no hay error

Buscamos en la gente aprobación
Sus caras en sus gestos
Y ya la habías dado tu
Te envolviste de piel para mostrar
Que tu amor es infinito
Y tu grandeza es sin igual

Oh-ohh, ohhh
Me viste como siempre
Ohhhh, soy tu reflejo…

En ti no hay error
Y no soy la excepcion
Aunque este muy lejos
De donde debiera estar
En ti no hay error
Y el cielo esta a favor
Porque en tus ojos
Soy lo que esperas de mi
En ti no hay error, no-oo-oo-ooo
En ti no hay error, no-o-oo

No creeré en nadie mas
Si no es de ti nada es verdad
No creeré en nadie mas
Si no es de ti nada es verdad
No creeré en nadie mas
Si no es de ti nada es verdad
No creeré en nadie mas
Si no es de ti nada es verdad, no-o-oo

En ti no hay error
Y no soy la excepcion
Aunque este muy lejos
De donde debiera estar
En ti no hay error
Y el cielo esta a favor
Porque en tus ojos
Soy lo que esperas de mi
En ti no hay error, no-oo-oo-ooo
En ti no hay error, no-o-oo

En ti no hay error, no-o-oo
En ti no hay error

No Hay Error Video

No Hay Error Info

"No Hay Error" by Influence Music is a powerful and uplifting song that reminds us of God's unwavering love and acceptance. The title, which translates to "There is No Mistake," conveys the message that in God's eyes, we are perfect just as we are, despite our flaws and insecurities.

The song begins by acknowledging God as the creator of all things, highlighting His ability to bring beauty out of nothingness. It describes how we were once a faithful reflection of God's image, but fear entered and caused us to lose our innocence. This references the biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, where they felt the need to cover themselves after disobeying God's command.

However, the chorus reassures us that in God, there is no error. Despite our shortcomings and the opinions of others, God sees us as His beloved children. The lyrics beautifully express the idea that God looks at us with love and acceptance, seeing us as He intended us to be. It reminds us that we don't need the approval or validation of others because we are already cherished and accepted by our Heavenly Father.

The song continues by exploring the tendency to seek approval from people instead of God. It speaks of how we often look to others for validation, trying to fit into their expectations and standards. But the truth is that God has already given us His approval and love, and His opinion is the only one that truly matters.

The bridge of the song declares that the singer will only believe in God because He is the source of truth. It emphasizes the importance of relying on God's perspective rather than the opinions of others. This echoes the biblical verse in Proverbs 3:5-6, which encourages us to trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding.

Throughout the song, the lyrics beautifully capture the concept of God's unchanging love and acceptance. It reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator, and that His love for us is unconditional. This message is grounded in various scripture verses, such as Psalm 139:14, which says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

"No Hay Error" is not only a song of affirmation but also an anthem of liberation. It encourages us to let go of the need for validation from others and embrace our identity as children of God. It reminds us that our worth is found in Him and that He sees us as His masterpiece, free from any mistakes or flaws.

In conclusion, "No Hay Error" by Influence Music is a powerful song that speaks to the heart of our identity in Christ. It reminds us that God's love for us is unwavering and that in His eyes, there is no mistake. The lyrics beautifully convey the message that we are accepted and cherished by our Heavenly Father, regardless of our imperfections. This song serves as a reminder to find our worth and validation in God alone, letting go of the need for approval from others.
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