Oh, Son Of God Lyrics Francesca Battistelli

Oh, Son Of God by Francesca Battistelli

Oh Son of God
Oh Son of God
You have made me, you have made me whole
Oh Son of god

I was born a slave to the water, casting nets in a sea of disbelief
There you were saying don't you be afraid, then you called, you called me

Oh son of god
Oh son of god
You have made me, you have made me whole
Oh son of god

All my life I was just a lowly beggar, paralyzed by the shame that held me down
But there you were saying stand up and go home, then you healed, you me healed me

Oh son of god
Oh son of god
You have made me, you have made me whole
Oh son of god

I will follow you
I will follow you
I will follow you

Oh son of god
Oh son of god
You have made me, you have made me whole
Oh son of god

Oh, Son Of God Video

Oh, Son Of God Info

"Oh, Son of God" by Francesca Battistelli is a powerful song that captures the essence of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the impact He has on our lives. The song is filled with deep meaning, inspiring lyrics, and a beautiful melody that resonates with listeners.

The inspiration behind the song can be traced back to the scriptures, particularly the New Testament, where Jesus is referred to as the Son of God. In the song, Francesca Battistelli beautifully expresses her personal journey of encountering Jesus and being transformed by His love and grace.

The lyrics of "Oh, Son of God" speak of being enslaved to the water, casting nets in a sea of disbelief. This imagery reflects the struggles and doubts that we often face in our own lives. We can find ourselves trapped in the waves of uncertainty and skepticism, feeling lost and powerless. But then, Jesus calls out to us, telling us not to be afraid.

This reference to Jesus calling us mirrors the story of Jesus calling His disciples to follow Him. In the Gospels, we see how Jesus approached fishermen like Peter, Andrew, James, and John, who were casting their nets into the sea. He called them to leave behind their old lives and follow Him, promising to make them fishers of men. Similarly, in the song, Jesus calls the singer to leave behind her doubts and fears and follow Him.

The chorus of the song declares, "Oh Son of God, you have made me whole." This line echoes the truth found in scripture that Jesus came to heal and restore brokenness. In the New Testament, we read numerous accounts of Jesus healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, and raising the dead. His miracles served as physical manifestations of His power to heal not only physical ailments but also the brokenness of the soul. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus offers salvation and wholeness to all who believe in Him.

The bridge of the song proclaims the singer's commitment to follow Jesus. It echoes the sentiment expressed by the disciples in the Gospels when they chose to leave everything behind and follow Jesus. This commitment to follow Jesus is a central theme in the Christian faith. It is a call to surrender our own desires and plans and align our lives with the will of God.

Overall, "Oh, Son of God" is a beautiful song that captures the heart of the Christian faith. It speaks of the transformative power of Jesus Christ, who calls us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. The song reminds us of the hope and healing found in Jesus, and it encourages us to follow Him wholeheartedly.

Francesca Battistelli's powerful vocals and heartfelt lyrics bring this message to life, and it is no wonder that the song has resonated with so many listeners. It serves as a reminder of the truth found in scripture and the life-changing impact of encountering Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/SON-GOD-Inspired-Motion-Picture/dp/B00GULA1HA
- Francesca Battistelli Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/francescabattistelli/photos/a.10152753269661370/10156565652536370/?type=3
- Jesus Freak Hideout Artist Profile: https://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/artists/FrancescaBattistelli.asp
- Exploring Experience Blog: https://exploringexperince.blog/category/holidays/
- Jesus Freak Hideout Lyrics: https://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/lyrics/new/track.asp?track_id=23613
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