Just For Today Lyrics For All Seasons

Just For Today by For All Seasons

There is something strange and beautiful
When we enter in the mess and let the rest unfold
When we find a friend we finally know
We are not alone, we are not alone

'Cause pain is a heavy weight
Anybody relate?
Yeah, shame is a heavy weight
Anybody relate?

Just for today
We can forget about the problems we face
We can remember every moment is grace
And we can, we can celebrate that
We can, we can share the weight

We're not labeled by our yesterdays
There's a grace we know that shows we're more than our mistakes
So let love lead on and freedom reign, yeah
Tomorrow can wait

Just for today
We can forget about the problems we face
We can remember every moment is grace
And we can, we can celebrate that
We can, we can share the weight

We can celebrate
We can, we can
We can, we can celebrate
We can

'Cause pain is a heavy weight
Anybody relate?
Yeah, shame is a heavy weight
Anybody relate?
When a breath is so hard to take
And there's nothing to say
You don't have to run away
Know that I can relate

So just for today
We can forget about the problems we face
We can remember every moment is grace
And we can, we can celebrate that
We can, we can share the weight

We can, we can
We can, we can celebrate

Just For Today Video

Just For Today Info

"Just For Today" by For All Seasons is a powerful and uplifting song that encourages listeners to focus on the present moment and find hope and grace in the midst of life's challenges. The song resonates with anyone who has ever felt weighed down by pain, shame, or the weight of their past mistakes. Through its lyrics and melody, the song reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is always room for celebration and healing.

The inspiration behind "Just For Today" is rooted in the idea of living in the present and not allowing the burdens of the past or the uncertainties of the future to take away our joy. The song acknowledges that pain and shame can feel like heavy weights, but it also offers a message of hope and freedom. It encourages us to let love lead and allow ourselves to experience the grace that comes with each new day.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is found in Matthew 6:34, which says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." This verse reminds us to focus on the present and trust that God will provide for our needs. It echoes the sentiment of "Just For Today" in encouraging us to let go of our worries and celebrate the moments we have been given.

Another verse that speaks to the message of the song is found in Philippians 3:13-14, which says, "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." This verse emphasizes the importance of letting go of the past and focusing on the journey ahead. It aligns with the idea of celebrating each new day and not allowing past mistakes or regrets to define us.

"Just For Today" by For All Seasons is a song that offers hope and encouragement to anyone who is struggling with the weight of their past or the uncertainties of the future. It reminds us to live in the present, find joy in the midst of pain, and celebrate the grace that is available to us each day. The song's powerful lyrics and catchy melody make it an anthem of hope and healing, resonating with listeners and reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.

In conclusion, "Just For Today" by For All Seasons is a song that speaks to the universal human experience of pain, shame, and the desire for freedom. Its message of living in the present moment and finding hope and grace resonates with listeners from all walks of life. Through its lyrics and melody, the song encourages us to let go of our worries, celebrate the moments we have been given, and trust that God is with us every step of the way. It is a reminder that no matter what we have gone through, there is always room for healing and celebration in the present.
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