Don't Forget To Remember Lyrics Ellie Holcomb

Don't Forget To Remember by Ellie Holcomb

Did you know Creation is talking to you?
Wherever you go and whatever you do?
God will keep giving you clue after clue
So you won't forget to remember what's true

Like every day when the sun rises high
The warmth that you feel is God's love by your side
Oh, and just like the birds who keep humming their tune
Remember God sings songs of joy over you!

Don't forget to remember you're never alone
No matter if you are up high or down low
And as sure as the sun will keep rising above
Don't forget to remember that you're dearly loved

And when you catch the snowflakes that fall from the sky
Don't forget to remember you're one of a kind
And after the winter and cold are all through
The flowers remind you God makes all things new

Don't forget to remember you're never alone
No matter if you are up high or down low
And as sure as the sun will keep rising above
Don't forget to remember that you're dearly loved

So just like the stars won't forget how to shine
Don't forget to remember that all of the time
God's light will guide you wherever you go
And you're loved from the top of your head to your toes

Let the whole earth remind you of what God has said
From the moment you wake up 'till you go to bed
Oh and even on days you forget what is true
Don't forget to remember, God won't forget you

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