ONE On ONE Lyrics Dunsin Oyekan

ONE On ONE by Dunsin Oyekan

Everybody clap your...
Everybody clap your...

As faces are different
So our needs are
We have a father
Who's capable of reaching us
One on one

As faces are different
So our needs are
We have a father
Who's capable of reaching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

As faces are different
So our needs are
We have a father
Who's capable of reaching us
One on one

As faces are different
So our needs are
We have a father
Who's capable of reaching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Right now, right here
He's touching you
At the point of your need
Right now, right here
He's reaching you
At the point of your need

Right now, right here
You're touching me
At the point of my need
Right now, right here
You're reaching me
At the point of my need

Right now, right here
You're reaching me
At the point of my need
Right now, right here
You're touching me
At the point of my need

(Say, Jesus is touching)
He's touching, (he's touching)
Right now, right here
You're reaching me
At the point of my need

(Say, Jesus is touching)
He's touching, (he's touching)
Right now, right here
You're touching me
At the point of my need

Right now, right here
You're reaching me
At the point of my need

(Jesus is touching)
He's touching, (he's touching)
Right now, right here
You're touching me
At the point of my need

(Say, Jesus is touching)
He's touching, (he's touching)
Right now, right here
You're reaching me
At the point of my need

(Savior is touching)
He's touching, (he's touching)
Right now, right here
You're touching me
At the point of my need

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Because he is Elshadai
The many breasted one
I have been to God
I have never met you there
Because he relates to us
One on one, one on one

Reaching me, touching me
Different needs, meeting them
Reaching me, touching me
Different needs, meeting them

He's reaching you
Touching you
Different needs, meeting them
He's reaching you
Touching you
Different needs, meeting them
He's reaching you
Touching you
Different needs, meeting them

He's reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them
He's reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them

He's reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them
He's reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them

He's reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them
He's reaching me, touching me
Different needs
Meeting them

He's reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them
He's reaching me, touching me
Different needs
Meeting them

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is touching us
One on one

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is reaching us
One on one

You're reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them
You're reaching me
Touching me
Different needs, meeting them

Elshadai, Elshadai
Elshadai, Elshadai
Elshadai, Elshadai
Elshadai, Elshadai

Elshadai, Elshadai
Elshadai, Elshadai
Elshadai, Elshadai
Elshadai, Elshadai

Though we are many
Yet you're engaging us
One on one
Though we are many
Your hand is reaching us
One on one
This is the confidence
That we have

ONE On ONE Video


"ONE On ONE" by Dunsin Oyekan is a powerful worship song that emphasizes the personal and intimate relationship we can have with God. The lyrics speak to the truth that although we may be many, God is capable of engaging with each one of us individually, meeting us at the point of our needs.

The song starts with the proclamation that everyone should clap their hands, creating an atmosphere of celebration and unity. It acknowledges that we all have different faces and different needs, but we serve a Father who can reach each of us personally. The repetition of the phrase "One on one" emphasizes the intimate connection we can have with God, where He engages with us individually and touches us at the point of our need.

The inspiration behind the song comes from the belief that God is not distant or unreachable, but rather a loving Father who desires to have a personal relationship with each of His children. It is a reminder that no matter how many people are seeking God's attention, He is capable of giving each person His undivided attention. This truth is based on the character of God as revealed in the Bible.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is Matthew 18:20, which says, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." This verse reminds us that when we come together in worship, God is present among us, engaging with each person individually. It emphasizes the personal nature of our relationship with God, even in a corporate setting.

Another verse that relates to the theme is Psalm 139:1-2, which says, "O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar." This verse speaks to the intimate knowledge that God has of us. He knows us intimately, and He is able to meet us at the point of our need because He understands us completely.

The song also highlights the nature of God as Elshadai, the many-breasted one. This term refers to God's ability to nourish and provide for His children in a personal and intimate way. It is a beautiful picture of a mother nursing her child, giving them her undivided attention and meeting their every need. This imagery reminds us that God is not distant or uninvolved, but rather intimately involved in our lives, meeting us at the point of our need.

Overall, "ONE On ONE" is a powerful worship song that encourages us to seek a personal and intimate relationship with God. It reminds us that no matter how many people are seeking God's attention, He is capable of engaging with each of us individually. The song draws inspiration from scripture verses that highlight the personal nature of our relationship with God and His ability to meet us at the point of our need. It is a call to worship and celebrate the fact that we serve a God who desires to have a one-on-one connection with each of His children.
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