All We Like Sheep Lyrics Don Moen

All We Like Sheep by Don Moen

All we like sheep have gone astray,
Each of us turning our own separate way.

We all have sinned and fallen short of Your glory,
But Your glory is what we desire to see,
And in Your presence is where we long to be.

O Lord, show us Your mercy and grace,
Take us to Your holy place.

Forgive us our sins and heal our land,
We long to live in Your presence once again.

Taking our sickness and taking our pain,
Jesus, the sacrifice, the Lamb has been slain.

He was despised, rejected by men. He took our sin.

Draw us near to You, Father, through Jesus, Your Son,
Let us worship before You, cleansed by Your blood.

All We Like Sheep Video

All We Like Sheep Info

"All We Like Sheep" is a powerful worship song by Don Moen that beautifully captures the essence of our human nature and our desperate need for God's grace and mercy. The song is inspired by the scripture verse Isaiah 53:6, which says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."

As I listen to this song, I am reminded of the profound truth that we, as human beings, are prone to wander and stray from God's path. Each of us has turned to our own ways, pursuing our own desires and ambitions, and in doing so, we have fallen short of God's glory. But despite our shortcomings, the Lord, in His infinite love and mercy, has made a way for us to be reconciled to Him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain for our sins.

The song beautifully expresses our longing to be in God's presence once again, to experience His forgiveness and healing. It acknowledges our need for His mercy and grace to wash over us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. It is a heartfelt cry for restoration and renewal, a recognition that apart from God, we are lost and broken.

The lyrics of "All We Like Sheep" also draw upon the imagery of sheep, which is often used in the Bible to represent God's people. Just as sheep are prone to wander and get lost, so are we prone to wander away from God. But just as a good shepherd diligently seeks out his lost sheep and brings them back to the fold, so does our Heavenly Father lovingly pursue and restore us to Himself.

The song serves as a beautiful reminder of God's unending love and faithfulness towards us. It points us to the truth that despite our waywardness, God is always ready to welcome us back into His presence. It encourages us to come before Him with humility and repentance, knowing that He is willing to forgive and heal us.

"Don Moen's rendition of 'All We Like Sheep' is a testament to his deep understanding of scripture and his ability to convey its truths through music. His heartfelt vocals and the powerful instrumentation create an atmosphere of worship that invites listeners to surrender their hearts to God. It is a song that resonates with believers from all walks of life, reminding us of our desperate need for God's grace and the hope we have in Christ.

As I reflect on the lyrics of this song, I am reminded of the importance of staying connected to the Shepherd, Jesus Christ. It is only when we abide in Him and allow Him to lead us that we can experience true peace, joy, and fulfillment. May this song serve as a reminder to each of us to continually seek the presence of God, to surrender our own ways, and to trust in His guidance for our lives.
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