Fade Lyrics David Dunn

Fade by David Dunn

I think back
On the days
I was writing my own story
Got reminders still before me

Of mistakes
That I made – and my
Heart is just so heavy – with the
Moments I'm regretting

Oh but I believe
He has rescued me
All the guilt, and all the shame
And the darkness of my yesterdays - will

Fade - as the light comes flooding in
I'm finding
To wash away the man I've been
Can't change my history
Or shake who I used to be
But a little more each day
I'm watching shadows

In my head
I believe
He is greater than my ugly
Overcomer of my stumbling

But in my heart
It's hard see
But he is faithful to remind me
That the things that are behind me

Fade - as the light comes flooding in
I'm finding
To wash away the man I've been
Can't change my history
Or shake who I used to be
But a little more each day
I'm watching shadows

I'm not who I want to be
I'm not who I'm gonna be
I'm watching who I used to be

Fade Video

Fade Info

"Fade" by David Dunn is a beautiful and introspective song that speaks to the struggles of our past and the hope of redemption. The lyrics convey a sense of regret and heaviness, but also a belief in the power of grace and the ability to move forward.

One of the themes in the song is the idea of letting go of our past mistakes and finding forgiveness. David Dunn sings, "All the guilt, and all the shame, And the darkness of my yesterdays - will fade." This echoes the message of scripture found in 1 John 1:9, which says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." This verse reminds us that when we bring our sins before God and seek his forgiveness, he is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from our wrongdoing.

The song also speaks to the struggle of seeing ourselves as redeemed and free from the weight of our past. Dunn admits that in his head, he believes in God's grace and redemption, but in his heart, it's harder to see. This struggle is relatable to many Christians who may struggle with feelings of shame and unworthiness, even after receiving God's forgiveness. Romans 8:1 reassures us that "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." This verse reminds us that through our faith in Jesus, we are no longer bound by our past mistakes and are free from condemnation.

Furthermore, "Fade" emphasizes the transformative power of God's grace. The lyrics express the desire to change and become a better person, acknowledging that it cannot be done overnight. The line, "Can't change my history or shake who I used to be, but a little more each day, I'm watching shadows fade," shows the process of growth and transformation that takes place over time. This echoes the scripture verse found in 2 Corinthians 5:17, which says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" This verse reminds us that through our relationship with Christ, we are continually being transformed into new creations, leaving our old selves behind.

Overall, "Fade" by David Dunn is a poignant and hopeful song that speaks to the struggles of our past and the power of God's grace to bring healing and redemption. It reminds us that no matter how heavy our past may be, we can find forgiveness and freedom in Christ. Through scripture verses like 1 John 1:9 and Romans 8:1, we are encouraged to let go of our past mistakes and embrace the transformative power of God's love. The song serves as a reminder that our past does not define us, and as we continue to grow in our faith, the shadows of our past will fade away.
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