Kind Lyrics Cory Asbury

Kind by Cory Asbury

Sometimes marriages don't work
And sometimes babies die
Sometimes rehab turns to relapse
And you're left just asking why
And for all the prayers I've prayed
I still wonder if He's real
And if He is how is He choosing
Who He does and doesn't heal

I've tried to run from Jesus
I've started holy wars
I've tried the patient waiting
And the kicking down the doors
I've cursed His name anger
With my fists raised to the sky
And in return all He's ever been is kind

I've burned my share of bridges
Learned to tuck my tail and run
Watched the wreckage in the rear view
From all the crooked things I've done
And I know that He forgives me
But it's hard to forgive myself
I can't help but think amazing grace
Is for everybody else

I've tried to run from Jesus
I've started holy wars
I've tried the patient waiting
And the kicking down the doors
I've cursed His name anger
With my fists raised to the sky
And in return all He's ever been is kind
All He's ever been is kind

And I know I wasn't there
But when I look up at the cross
I see the darkest day in history
And I guess that's what kindness cost

I've tried to run from Jesus
I've started holy wars
I've tried the patient waiting
And the kicking down the doors
He knows I don't deserve it
But He's never changed His mind
All He's ever been is kind
All He's ever been is kind

Kind Video

Kind Info

"Kind" by Cory Asbury is a powerful and heartfelt song that explores the struggles we face in life and the kindness of God in the midst of it all. This song, released after a three-year hiatus from music, showcases Asbury's vulnerability and deep faith as he wrestles with doubt, pain, and the complexities of life.

The song opens with the acknowledgment that sometimes marriages don't work, babies die, and rehab turns to relapse. It confronts the reality of suffering and the questions that arise in the face of it all. Asbury shares his own doubts, wondering if God is real and how He chooses whom to heal and whom to let suffer. It's a raw and honest expression of the human experience, where we often find ourselves grappling with the fairness and goodness of God in the midst of pain.

Throughout the song, Asbury reflects on his own journey with faith, confessing that he has tried to run from Jesus, started holy wars, and struggled with anger. He recognizes his own flaws and the mistakes he has made, and yet, in the midst of it all, he finds that God has been kind to him. This kindness is not something he deserves, but it is freely given. It is a reminder that God's love and grace are not dependent on our actions or worthiness but are freely offered to all.

The chorus of the song beautifully summarizes the theme of God's kindness: "And in return, all He's ever been is kind." It's a simple yet profound truth that despite our doubts, struggles, and failures, God remains kind to us. His kindness is not based on our performance or circumstances but is a fundamental aspect of His character.

One of the scripture verses that relates to the theme of this song is Romans 2:4, which says, "Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?" This verse reminds us that it is God's kindness that leads us to turn to Him and seek His forgiveness. It is through experiencing His kindness that we are moved to repentance and a deeper relationship with Him.

Another relevant verse is Ephesians 2:7, which says, "So that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." This verse emphasizes the immeasurable riches of God's grace and kindness that are displayed in Jesus Christ. It is through His sacrifice and love that we can experience God's kindness in our lives.

"Kind" by Cory Asbury is a powerful reminder of the kindness of God amidst the struggles of life. It speaks to the universal human experience of doubt, pain, and the questions we have about God's goodness. Yet, it also points us to the unchanging nature of God's kindness, which is freely given and not dependent on our circumstances or worthiness. This song is a beautiful expression of faith and a reminder that even in the midst of our struggles, God remains kind to us.
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